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A/N: since this is a fluff ff this will be coming to an end soon?

idk if I'm going to just keep this to write cute fluff, but there's never been a huge plot, and I don't rlly feel like killing anyone off so...


~jungkook pov~

His breath fanned across my cheeks, warming them even more than they already were.

"I've wanted to say that for so long," he whispered, and I bit back a smile.

"First," I breathed,

"Day," he replied, pulling me closer by the waist.


"So," i huffed, falling onto the plush sofa.

"So." He said, smiling coyly at me.

"Why didn't you say anything?" I whined, tugging on his shirt sleeve.

"Because, my Kookie, I loved you so much, I was willing to sacrifice my happiness because I thought..." he said, shaking his head with a faint chuckle.

"I thought you would never," his voice quivered, "love me." His eyes reached into mine, and I tried to push my feelings into my gaze. "I-i thought that y-you, i dunno," I scratched my neck nervously. "You just seemed so-perfect, I guess, I thought I wasn't good enough for you." I ducked my head, embarrassed. He clicked his tongue and sighed at me.

"Kookie, love, I have only recently been able to express my overwhelming love for you, and I will never be able to say it enough, but I love you. Not because you're perfect, because you're imperfect. I love you not because of how you always look put together, I love the way you look in the morning, with tousled, fluffy, raven hair. You have the most gorgeous smile, and I die every time I make you smile. You are my everything, and I will never be enough for you, but I hope you can settle for me, because I love you so. Goddamn. Much."

He reached his warm hand down to my cheeks, wiping away the moisture under my eyes. "I'm so sorry darling, I didn't want to make you cry," he said, worry filling his voice. I swatted his hand away, "Tae, I love you so much, but I'll save that for our vows." I gave a wink, and he turned bright red. I giggled and pulled him to my side, straddling him. "I love you Kim Taehyung. Forever."


"HAPPY PATTY DAY TAE TAE HYUNG!" I ran at top speed and flung myself onto his bed, landing directly on top of him. "Oomph," a groan came from the warm body beneath me, but I merely giggled, making no move to roll off. "What?" he moaned, rubbing his eyes. I playfully slapped his face. "Saint Patrick's Day, genius! You better get your best green shirt on!" His eyes fluttered open, and before I realized what he was doing, I felt delicate fingers running across my stomach and sides.

"Aggghhhhhh, I'm ticklish hyung!" I pouted at him, but he merely gave me a wide box grin. "I know Kookie," his chocolate eyes bore into mine, and I shivered at his husky morning voice. All words seemed to fail me, and I opened my mouth, but nothing escaped my chapped lips. He finally freed me of his intense gaze after a minute, only for his eyes to drift down to my lips.

"Aish, baby, why are your lips so chapped?" He said, and I could see the sparkle in his eye as he wrapped his hand around my waist. "Maybe you just need to kiss me more." He cupped my cheek and placed his lips delicately on mine. I smiled against his soft lips, and nestled closer to him, leaning my head against his. I pulled back gently to smile at him. "You're such a tease," he huffed at me, and I pulled us upright. "So are you," i scoffed. "Get dressed, and for the love of god please wear green."

Once I had slipped on my green tee, I turned around to see Tae casually dressed in a striped shirt and black pants.

(Tae's outfit cuz I luv when authors show outfits)

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(Tae's outfit cuz I luv when authors show outfits)

(Tae's outfit cuz I luv when authors show outfits)

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(Kookie's ft. Tae in the background)

"Hyungggg," I whined. He laughed at me and I pouted. "I told you to wear green, don't you have any green in your Gucci closet?" I said, waving my hand in the direction of his neat, but jam packed, closet. He frowned at me, "I am wearing green Kookie, you just can't see it." My eyebrows knitted together in confusion, but my eyes drifted down to his waistline. "Oh my god, you perv! I'm wearing green socks, Jesus!" He gestured to the small flash of green peaking out from his shoes, and I smiled nervously.

When did I become such a perv?

"U-uhm, let's go," I looked away shyly and slipped my bag on. He smirked at me, but slung his own bag over his shoulder. "I love you Kookie." My heart fluttered wildly, and I bit back a smile. "I love you too Tae Tae."

A/N: short but sweet sry. Just wanted to get out a saint patty's day chap. <3

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