Unending Secrets

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Prompt: up above, but I kinda changed it a bit.

People: Evan x Jonathan

~Third Person~

Everyone in this world has been reincarnated. Everyone has seen different fashion styles. Everyone has seen different wars, terrorist attacks. Different laws put into place. Everyone has seen the hands of time tick down to a new year. And they have the amount of lives that they will live marked on their bodies. Those with limited days are unable to remember anything from their past lives. And that's everyone, except Evan. When he originally found his life mark on himself, he was horrified. Horrified, that his mark was not like anyone else's. But mostly, he was disgusted. He has an infinity mark on his shoulder blade. No one knows his assigned lives. He has never told anyone. Not even his boyfriend Jonathan. Not even his own parents. It's never been recorded in history for a person to have an infinite amount of lives. And Evan, who has all his memories from his past lives, has never remembered meeting another infinite person. He hates his count. He wants to be able to die like everyone else. He's tried to remove the mark. Tried cutting and burning it away. But it always heals and appears as if it hasn't been touched. He's been trying to keep it a secret for years.

But Jonathan has been getting impatient. He's asked Evan several times if he could see his mark. He has yet to see it. He wants to know how many lives him and his boyfriend might have together. Here's the thing with Jonathan. Unbeknownst to Evan, Jonathan also has an infinity mark. His is on his mid back, right across his spine. He hasn't shown anyone either, and wants to know how many more lives he has with those he loves.

The two of them have been keeping many secrets from each other. They have known each other in at least half of their past lives. But tonight, Jonathan was planning on getting to see Evans mark. They were both in their shared home. Evan was in the bedroom scrolling through social media. Jonathan was just outside the rooms door, thinking about how he was going to execute his plan. He walked into the room, a sly smile spread across his face. Evan turned to look at Jonathan, turning on his side on the bed, an arm propping up his head.

"What are you smiling about?" He asked. Jonathan didn't answer as he reached the foot of the bed. Crawling onto it as Evan turned his body to face him, he internally held his breath. He climbed on top of Evan and straddled his hips. Taking his phone from his hand, he placed it on a bedside table before leaning back down to Evan. The younger had a light pink dust his cheeks as Jonathan captured his lips in a kiss. Evan wrapped his arms around Jonathan's neck, a hand tangling into his hair. Jonathan snaked a arm around Evans upper back, pressing their chests together as Jonathan licked Evans lip, asking for entrance. Evan opened his mouth, Jonathan's tongue dancing with Evans. They broke apart for air, and Jonathan attached his mouth to Evans neck, sucking and kissing his way along, searching for Evans sweet spot. A gasp-ish moan left Evans mouth as Jonathan kissed that sensitive spot. Knowing what he found, he sucked on the spot, leaving a hickey.

Jonathan put his hands under Evans shirt, running them up and down his back, getting the younger to arch his back off the bed. Jonathan kissed Evan again, this one a lot more rough and lust filled. Evan lowered his hands and put them under Jonathan's shirt as well. Running his hands along the elders toned stomach, he got his shirt over Jonathan's head. Jonathan then proceeded to remove Evans shirt. Evan forgot all about the mark on his shoulder that he was trying to hide as Jonathan's hands ran all along Evans back, searching. Since they have both have had so many lives, they are able to tell the difference in skin texture, just needing to be able to feel the mark to tell what it says. Jonathan's hands brushed against the mark on Evans shoulder. Slowly, he ran his hand along it, trying to mark out the shape of the texture.

Evan jerked back as he realized what Jonathan was doing. But Jonathan didn't stop. With one hand restraining Evans, he continued to run his hand over the mark. His eyes widened as he processed the mark. Evan had begun slightly shaking at what Jonathan had just found out. A sweet smile spread across Jonathan's face as he kissed Evan again, this one hard and passionate. When he pulled back, Evan was surprised to find tears in his eyes.

"I'm not the only one." Jonathan quietly told Evan. The younger gave Jonathan a questioning look. Jonathan released Evans hands and crawled off of him before turning his back to Evan. The younger's hand flew to his mouth as he stared at the black infinity mark stained on Jonathan's back.

"Do you... do you remember all your past lives then?" Evan asked as Jonathan turned back to him.

"All of them. Especially the one where I was a politician and you were my secret secretary lover." Jonathan sent a wink in Evans direction, making the younger blush at the memory of that life. Jonathan's face became serious. "Evan, you realize that this means we will be the only two to live past probably everyone, right?" Evan nodded. Jonathan grabbed his hands. "We need to promise our future selfs and lives to remember each other, to always know each other even if we don't speak the same language."

"I promise to always find you during my lives." Evan said. Jonathan smiled and laid down beside Evan, cuddling to him as they turned on the T.V, watching some shows before falling asleep against each other.

Word count: 993
Sorry this is short. Again, trying to get better with prompts. Hope you all liked. Anyways my Hellhounds,


Stay strong,

Stay happy,

And continue to howl.


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