Hybrid Hassle (Poly!BBS x Mreader) Part 3

841 22 3

Prompt: none.

People: Evan, Jonathan, Luke, Tyler, Ryan, Brock, Brian, Bryce, Lui, Marcel, David, Craig, Jaren, John, Meader.

Sorry if I forgot someone. Too many people to remember.
~*Tyler's POV*~

It's been several weeks since (Y/N) woke up. During this span, his wing and leg had healed fully, and his wounds were starting to close. They would definitely scar, but it was better than the risk of them just starting to randomly bleed at times. And with the healing of his wing and regained ability of flight in both forms, he has become an official member of our rescue team. He was, of course, the extractor. Ever since news had gotten out about his rescue, bids have had a lot more security. We couldn't risk keeping the rescues in the van with us. Thankfully, he wasn't lying when he said he could carry two full grown adults and a third small child. And damn could he fly. He was absolutely amazing in the air.

Rescues have been going a lot smoother. Only one problem has occurred, but it doesn't deal with extracting the hybrids. When we usually return to base and send our new friends inside to get checked out, (Y/N) wanders off towards the meadow. Nothing wrong with that, I know. But whenever we try to send someone out to talk to him, he refuses to change back into human form. And, lately, I've been noticing that he sways after shifting. I don't think anyone else has.

"Hey, (Y/N)." Jon called from the kitchen. (Y/N) turned to him, the sound of his wings brushing the ground as he faced Jon fully. "We've found another bid going down tonight. It's gong to be a two-for-one kind of bid. Two hybrids being sold by the same dealer. So you'll have to take two people. You up for it?" He gave Jon that small, yet somehow excited grin that immediately told us there was no way in hell he wouldn't be going.

He still hasn't asked us how we choose to rescue the hybrids. We usually look out for those who seem to be in absolutely terrible condition and then set everything in motion. That's why we originally rescued him. Jon had said that all of the other hybrids were in perfect health. So, he had decided to wait. And we have never been so lucky for the most impatient one of us to decide he wanted to be patient for once. Or else (Y/N) would of been who knows where.

"Anything else I should know about tonight?" (Y/N) asked in his normal quiet voice. I still found it unusual for someone like him to have such a regularly hushed tone. Then again, who knows what he had gone through. Something of his past had to warrant his silent stature. And for someone with wings so large that they dragged on the ground, he was surprisingly silent on his feet. He actually could sneak up on someone if he wanted. This is where Jons face turned serious.

"Since it's going to be hybrids sold in groups of two, there's more value with this bid. Expect guards to be armed." I sat up straighter at that. (Y/N) might be fast, but he hasn't been pitted against weapons yet. We don't know how well he'll do against them. (Y/N)'s face dropped, and he merely nodded.

"I'll be on my feet, then." He turned back around once Jon dodged back into the kitchen. I looked to (Y/N). He seemed a little upset.

"You okay (Y/N)?" I questioned. He turned to me now, and I just realized he had a book in hand. He was walking and reading at the same time? How hasn't he hit a surface yet? He nodded.

"I'll be better once the rescue is over and the hybrids we pull are safe." He answered. That's always (Y/N). Thinking of the other hybrids safety. I admired him for that, but at the same time, I would have to occasionally scold him for putting his life at risk. And I don't mean with the fact that he's our extractor. During the rescues where we would have the rescued hybrids in the van, (Y/N) would always throw himself in front of any people pursuing us. We've been lucky that he's managed to not get hurt from it, but at some point, something was bound to happen. I had started to get worried that he wanted something to happen. So, as much as I physically could, I would participate in as many rescues with (Y/N) as possible. Mainly to keep him from doing anything stupid. But right now, my body absolutely killed. I had been on three in a row. So I'll be passing up on this rescue. But maybe I could warn someone to keep an eye on him.

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