Merman's Tale (Poly!BBS x Reader) Part 1

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The picture above is your tail.

Prompt: No prompt for this one-shot.

People: Luke x Ryan x Evan x Tyler x Brock x Brian x Lui x Craig x Jonathan x David x Marcel x Reader


Your POV

I was swimming around my reef, playing with the dolphins that continued to nudge me with their noses. I let out a few playful clicks in response to the squeaks they sent my way. I smiled and swam beside them, before they all stopped, scared. I looked to where they were staring and saw a discarded fishing net sitting at the top of the reef. I swam up to it, the dolphins swimming away. The net was covering a small cave in the side of the reef, and there was an octopus stuck under it. I sent out a few squeaks and clicks to it, trying to calm it down. I quickly untangled the net from the rocks of the reef and smiled as the octopus swam out happily. I was about to swim away, but found that the net had tangled around my tail now. Letting out a few annoyed clicks, I hummed out to the octopus. Something rare about me either then being a merman was that I was also half Siren. I could use my songs to get creatures to do my biding, but I prefer to use it to calm the creatures, unless I find myself in a sticky situation. Much like this one. It swam to me in a trance. It helped me to try and untangle the net from my tail, but it ended in only making it worse.

I heard something coming from above water and let out a squeak when I stared down my orange and black tail to see something that I should have noticed before. It looked like a ship. Then I noticed that some ropes at the corner of the nets were leading up. Up, out of the ocean and towards that ship. I gave out a few clicks and broke the octopus from its trance. It swam off as the net began pulling me through the water. I thrashed, trying to break out of the net, but to no luck. Then, I was in the air. I saw the ship. It was massive, but I could immediately tell that it was a pirate's ship. Next thing I know, I'm thrashing again, this time getting both of my arms stuck in the net as it hovered over the deck of the ship. I was lowered onto the deck. That's when I heard people chuckling. I looked up and was terrified to find myself in the presence of the most notorious gang of pirates to roam the seven seas. The BBS crew. I tried to shrink away as they walked towards me.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" Drawled out Evan, one of the strongest of they're crew. "Looks like we aren't the only crew without  a merfolk now."  I pulled my tail, and the net, closer to my body as they continued to close in. The scales on my tail rose to a twenty degree angle, a defensive stance. They didn't notice. I felt the fin on the back of my tail spike up as they circled me. I tried to look around at them as I heard one pull a knife out. Someone behind me bent down, and I felt them begin to cut away the rope of the net. One arm was free, then two. I pushed myself up onto my elbows and stared as Craig, the smartest of the group, was the one cutting away the net. He moved to my my tail next and began to cut the net. In a few slices, he was done. I let out some clicks in thanks, then realized they didn't understand.

"Thanks." I said. They all smirked down at me. My scales fell back flat against my tail. I didn't know what to feel around them. Someone slipped an arm under my tail and wrapped an arm around my back, then picked me up bridal style. I let out a surprised click as I instinctively wrapped my arms around them. It was David, the giant of the group. He smirked at me, walking further onto the ship. I then realized that they weren't going to release me, and immediately became sad. This would be the last time I would see any new surprises of the ocean. He carried me up to the top deck, where Luke, the navigator, sat steering. I looked around the deck of the ship, and admired it's size. The hull must be at least twice the size of the actual deck, and the ship really was beautiful. Polished dark oak wood sat under foot- or tail. Pale oak wood was the hull. There didn't seem to be a mark on the wood. Luke turned to us, the smirk still spread across his face. I had no clue what to expect with what they want from me.

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