Someone's Monster (Part 3)

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Prompt: What if people who were alive had a monster that haunted them, and only they could see it? But what if person A's monster isn't actually their's? What if at a younger age then when they were supposed to 'create' their monster, a monster attached itself to them, and is now hurting them? And their friends find out when person A is attacked in front of them, but before they never knew about what's happening to their friend. And what if person A's friends sees said attached monster.

People: Evan, Jonathan, Craig, Tyler, Brock, Brian, Lui, David, Ryan, Luke, Marcel.

Sorry if I forgot someone, there are to many people to remember everyone.

*~Evans POV~*

It's been three weeks since Ryan woke up. He's been eating, thankfully. But he's retracted into a shell, refusing to talk to anyone. We haven't allowed him to leave, not until he. He won't speak about the incident with his monster, he won't even tell us what his monster is. But if Craig's description is correct, the monster isn't a basic one. We've tried drawing what it looks like, but no one can get it right. And now Ryan's been having nightmares. He won't tell us anything. We've been trying to think of some way for us to get him to tell us what it is that's happening.

"What if we got one person to isolate him and then ask him questions?" Jonathan asked. Everyone nodded. "Only thing is, who would he be most comfortable with?" This had us looking around at each other. He showed the same amount of comfort around all of us, but at the same time, he didn't show that he was one hundred percent comfortable. Then we all turned to Jon.

"What?" He asked.

"You've been friends with Ryan the longest." Tyler said. "If anyone, your our best option." Jon nodded. It was still pretty early in the morning, and Ryan was in the shower. We decided that once he was done, Jon would go to his room and try to question him.

"Wait."  Luke stopped everyone. "What we need more then answers to what's wrong is answers on his monster. Ask him where his monster was created." This caught everyone by surprise. We had forgotten about that. Ryan hadn't told anyone how his monster was created. Jon nodded again. The water shut off upstairs. Jon was already on his feet and climbing the stairs. Now, we just have to wait.

*~Ryan's POV~*

I tied a towel around my waist and dried my hair as I walked down the hall and into my room. I opened my closet and grabbed a grey hoodie and some sweat pants. I had my pants on when the door to my room was opened. I turned to see Jon standing there.

"Hey Ryan." He said softly. I already knew where this was going with the time of his voice.

"Yes, Jon?" I said, as equally as soft. I wasn't about to answer any questions about what's going on. That is only what I have to worry about. I'm not about to let the-.

"I wanted to know if you would tell me how your monster was created." That caught me off guard. They had never asked about the history of my monster. "Or, at least where it was created." I blinked at him, my mind going back to the day I found it. I looked into his eyes, the pleading there. I sighed.

"First off, it isn't mine." Jon did a double take.

"Did you say it wasn't yours?" He shouted. I recoiled at the volume of his voice. The others must definitely have heard him.

"Yes, it isn't. It attached itself to me when I was twelve." Jon slowly dug his fingers into his hair. He looked like he was about to rip it out of his head. He looked back at me.

"The others need to know about this." He whispered. My eyes widened, as I started shaking my head.

"No. Please, no, don't tell them." I whispered back. They couldn't know. No one could. I don't even know why I told Jon. He walked up to me and grabbed my hand.

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