Mistaken Invitation (H20Vanoss)

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Prompt: Up above (p.s, for some prompts I'm gonna do pics instead)

People: Jonathan & Evan.

Hope you enjoy

~Third person~

It was currently mid-day. Evan and Jonathan were sitting on the couch. Jonathan was sitting and scrolling through Twitter on his phone. So far, the day has been going quite well for Jonathan. He woke up feeling refreshed, made a close to perfect coffee, and just had a happy day as it is. Evan, lying down with his legs in Jonathan's lap reading, hasn't had a good day so far. He woke up with a sore neck, had a problem with the coffee machine, ending up with coffee on the walls and floor, and has just really been grumpy all day. Not to mention, Jonathan's been teasing and annoying Evan all day as well. Like right now. Jonathan glanced out of the corner of his eyes and smirked at Evan. His shirt had hitched up his stomach. Slowly, as for Evan not to notice, Jonathan lowered his hand to Evans exposed skin.

Evan felt Jonathan poke him in the side, repeatedly. Groaning, he glared right at Jonathan, who quickly pulled his hand away, trying to look innocent. Evan returned to his book. Jonathan's hand lowered back to Evans exposed skin, this time pushing on Evans toned stomach. Glaring at Jonathan once again, Evan swatted at his wrist, smacking his hand from his stomach. Jonathan pouted at Evan. He was only trying to lighten Evans mood. He wasn't usually this upset, and when he was, it was because Jonathan had probably done something stupid. Still trying to ignore Jonathan, he returned to his book. Jonathan frowned. An idea popped into his head.

Shutting off his phone and placing it in the table beside the couch, Jonathan quickly moved his hands to either side of Evans waist. A wicked grin came to his face as he pushed down on either side of Evans waist with as much force as he could muster.

"Taser!" He yelled as Evans legs jerked as a slight muscle spasm hit his lower half from Jonathan pushing on the muscles of his waist. Evans hand flew out, snatching Jonathan's wrist. He glared at the older male.

"Jon, why are you annoying me like this? Just stop already!" The younger demanded. Jonathan just continued to smirk as the younger stood up with his book, walking into the kitchen. Jonathan followed suit.

"Oh, lighten up Ev. You've been in such a fowl mood all day." The older answered back. Evan looked over his shoulder to glare at Jonathan. Not realizing where he was walking, he ran straight into the tables corner. Evan dropped his book as the wood corner pressed into his side. The book hit the floor and closed, making Evan loose his page. The younger was really annoyed now. Clutching his side as the pain of the impact spread through it, he bent down to pick up his book as Jonathan laughed behind him. He opened the book, but had no clue what page he was on.

"Oh fuck me!" He exclaimed, slamming the book onto the table as Jonathan finally stopped laughing. Another idea popped into Jonathan's head, making him smirk as Evan turned back to glare at him. Realizing what he said and seeing Jonathan smirk, Evan stared the older straight in the eye. "Don't you dare. That wasn't an invitation." Jonathan slowly started to walk towards Evan, as the younger backed up. Jonathan's smirk grew as he watched Evan slowly back towards the kitchen counter top. The younger continued to back away, until he felt the stone counter press into his lower back. Jonathan still slowly closed the space as Evans hands gripped the counter top, looking for a way to escape. Jonathan finally closed the gap between them, placing both arms on either side of Evan to keep him from escaping. The older leaned away from Evan still.

"I mean it. Leave me alone Jon." The younger tried to keep a steady voice, but found that he was betrayed when a slight quiver came with his words. The older slowly leaned forward, a low hum coming from his throat as a sexy smile crept onto his face. He stopped when their noses were almost touching. The low hum got louder, so Evan could hear. Turning into a blushing idiot, Evan turned his head away. Jonathan bit his lip at Evans exposed neck, but he restrained himself. Instead, he raised a hand from the counter top and hooked a finger under Evans chin. Gently placing his thumb on his chin as well, Jonathan got Evan to turn his head back to stare at the older. Evans face only became a brighter red.

Jonathan is always doing stuff like this, but it doesn't usually start with Evan saying 'fuck me', being annoyed and all that. In one quick swoop, Jonathan captured Evans lips in a gentle kiss. Slowly, Evan melted into it, forgetting all his anger. For Evan, Jonathan pulled back too soon. His smirk returned to his face as he looked into the younger's dazed eyes. In one quick motion, the older tipped Evan back and picked him up bridal style. The younger wrapped his arms around the elder as he walked them both back to the couch. Sitting down, and placing the younger between his legs on the couch, he leaned back and let Evan rest his head on Jonathan's shoulder.

Evan sighed. Jonathan has always helped the younger to relax. He just didn't like it when Jonathan teased him about it. Sinking further into Jonathan's body as the older wrapped his arms around Evans middle, he closed his eyes and took calming breaths, feeling his worries float away on every breath he released. Jonathan planted a kiss on the younger's temple, before leaning back on the couch as well. The continued to cuddle like that for the rest of the day.

Heyo my Hellhounds. I understand that this wasn't a very long story, only hitting around 1000 words, but this prompt really didn't give me much options and ideas to write with. I promise, though, that my prompt one-shots will get a lot better. Anyways,


Stay strong,

Stay happy,

And continue to howl,


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