Handsome Devils and Beautiful Angels (part 3)

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Prompt: none

People: Ryan, Luke, Jonathan, Bryce, Mreader.

Hope you guys enjoy, as always.

*~ Your POV~*

They had done a full run through of their language. I had understood almost all of it, but some words I didn't know. It was probably around sunrise by now, and I could see that sky was turning a light pink. They had gone upstairs to grab somethings. I was sitting in what I assumed was the living room. This house was probably the most colourful thing that I've seen in this world so far. I ran my hands over the spruce table, the polished wood cool against my skin. They had talked about their last Phoenix Guardian. His name was apparently Tyler. They said he had dirty blond hair and blue eyes. He had been the only Phoenix Guardian for years. Whoever is a Phoenix has the same mythical abilities as one. Control of fire, flight. And, most impressively, the ability to burn during death and be reborn from ones ashes. But this time, a Guardian could choose the age they wish to come back as. It was a lot to take in, but it didn't freak me out.

They had been honest when they explained that Tyler had died due to a possessing. It seemed that one of those Solid Shadows had infected his flame and turned him into a demon. It freaked me out that someone could be turned into a demon. But if it means saving my world, then everything is worth the risk. I stared out the window, watching as the sun peeked over the horizon. Unlike everything else in this world, the sun was yellow, thankfully. There was yelling from upstairs. Then Bryce came stomping down the stairs. He walked into the kitchen area and I heard drawers open and close. He then trudged back out, holding a serrated dagger.

"Was it down there?" I heard Ryan call.

"Yes." Bryce called back reluctantly.

"Told you!" Luke yelled down next. I cocked an eyebrow towards Bryce. Either he didn't notice or ignored me. He went back up the stairs as Jonathan came down. His mask was still on, though I have no clue why. He spotted me by the window and walked over. That's when I took notice of the weapons strapped to him. He held an extra sheath with a knife in it in his hands. He held it out towards me.

"This," he started, "is the Phoenix's knife. Once you gain control of your flames- and actually get them- you'll be able to change it. To a dagger, sword, machete, any kind of weapon." I took the sheath and strapped it around my waist.

"May I ask why you have a small armoury strapped to your body?" I asked, inclining my head to him. He had a set of twin swords strapped to his back, along with a dagger and some knives around his waist. He looked down at his weapons.

"They didn't tell you?" He looked back up at me. I shook my head. "The forests here are practically ruled by demons. We need whatever we can carry." I blinked at him.

"So, you guys know one hundred percent how to use these weapons, right? 'Cause I have no clue how to." Jonathan chuckled.

"Don't worry. Once you draw your weapon, everything will come to you as natural as breathing."

"Sure." I didn't mean it to sound rude. Jonathan just shook his head.

"We know a lot more about this world then you do. Besides, we'll be there to protect you." I rolled my eyes.

"Don't make it sound like I'm some kind of damsel in distress." Jonathan chuckled. Ryan was the next down, with Luke and Bryce following soon after. They all had the same set of weapons strapped to them, though Bryce had twin Katanas, not the long swords the others had.

"We should get going." Ryan said. "It's a couple hours walk to the Life Fire." We all nodded, and I followed the others out the door. My hand resting by my knifes hilt the entire way.

~Tem Skip Sponsored by Temmie Flakes~

We were deep into the woods by now. All I could see was red and pink. And I was getting sick of it. Why couldn't the colour of this universe be normal? The others all relaxed as a clearing same into view. Once breaking through the trees, I stared in awe at what sat in front of me. Spiraling white and jade marble pillars reached towards the sky, as tall as the trees behind us. Vines were etched into the pillars with actual emeralds somehow fused together. Four of them sat around an enormous bowl with the same vine carvings in it. The bowl was made entirely of obsidian. The vines on the bowl are made of diamonds with specks of gold glittering in the stone.

Even if it was the only death black thing of the entire shrine, the Life Fire didn't do anything to deter the shrines beauty. A set of gold stairs placed between an opening in the bowl leading to a landing touched the ground. Immediately, I felt drawn towards the flame. The need to serve it, to protect it entered my head, and I found myself walking forwards in a daze. I climbed the stairs and heard the others follow behind me, their weapons tinkling as they ascended the stairs. I walked to the edge of the landing.

I turned to the others, only to find them at the stairs. I cocked an eyebrow, curious as to why they wouldn't step any closer. Ryan rubbed a hand against the back of his neck.

"We can't get any closer," He started. "Only the chosen Phoenix Guardian is permitted to get close to the flame. Otherwise we would be killed." Both my eyebrows shot up as worry took over me.

"But what if I'm not the chosen Phoenix Guardian?" I asked. Luke let out a chuckle.

"Then it was nice knowing you." He said as I felt panicked. Bryce smacked him on the back of the head.

"It won't hurt you." He said, glaring at Luke before turning to me. "It only affects already chosen Guardians. If anything, it will sort you into one of the existing Guardian groups." I breathed a sigh of relief and turned back to the flame.

"Uhm... What  am I supposed to do?"

"Empty your mind." Jonathan said. "Let the only thought be on the flame. Let the flame take over." I nodded and closed my eyes. I evened my breathing and did as told, letting the flame be my only thoughts. There was a tug as I got that dazed feeling again. At some point, my eyes had reopened and I was lifting my hand towards the flame. At first, it seemed to dance away from me. But then it moved towards my hand. It touched the tips of my fingers, and it felt like I was touching wool. The heat was there, but it didn't affect me.

"Everything seems to be going fine." Someone said. I slowly turned around and met their stares just as something black dropped from nowhere and shoved me. I was soaring through the air as I heard someone scream a name. Then I was engulfed in black. The heat was all around me, the soft touch suffocating. I breathed in and coughed as flames entered my throat. I couldn't move. My thoughts started to blur, everyone going back to the flame. It danced around me with force, and seemed to be drawn towards me.

A flame touched my skin. First starting at my hand before it engulfed my entire arm. I tried to let out a scream, anything. Nothing pushed out of my mouth as the flames had covered both arms and was now at my chest. Then my throat. I couldn't breath. Almost as if the flame was trying to suffocate me. It was over my mouth, nose, and now touched my forehead. I felt dizzy. Exhaustion creeping into my body. By the time the flame had covered my whole body, I was asleep.

*~Jonathan's POV~*

I ran my sword through the demons stomach as Ryan and Luke drove theirs through its arms. Bryce brought his down in a sweeping arch and beheaded the creature. Its body and head fell with a dull thump before disintegrating into dust and blowing away with the wind. We sheathed our swords and turned back to the Life Fire. I glanced at the others. Bryce looked to be on the brink of tears. Luke wasn't displaying any emotions. And Ryan was straight out raging.

"God dammit!" He yelled. "After all these years, we got this close, just for it to be ruined as well! Just like Tyler." He spun and punched the wall of the bowl. I turned my attention back to the flame. Something about it had changed. The way it was moving didn't seem right. It looked like it was bending inwards as the top of the flame seemed to shrink a bit. It looked like something was moving on the inside of the flame. I nudged Luke with my elbow. Once he looked to me, I pointed to the centre of the flame.

"Do you see that?" I asked. He squinted before slowly nodding his head. His eyes widened as he realized what I had.

"What is the flame doing?" He mumbled. There was an enormous snap as tendrils of the flame, wrapped around something, protruded for its body. It touched onto the landing, a few feet from us. Ryan had spun to look, and Bryce seemed taken aback. Luke and I were stiff, preparing for a fight as the tendrils slowly curled back, away from the form. Everyone let out a gasp as we stared at (Y/N)'s sleeping form.

"What..?"  Bryce started. I was already by (Y/N), checking for his pulse and listening to his breathing. Once satisfied that he wasn't hurt or anything, I slipped my arms under him and picked him up bridal style.

"We need to leave." I said. Ryan stared at the flame.

"But, the flame...-" he was as confused, if not more, then all of us. I shook my head.

"We'll worry about the flame once we've gotten out of these forests. There definitely were demons following us, so we need to get (Y/N) somewhere safe." Everyone slowly nodded before we turned and ran back down the stairs and through the forest towards our home. We all knew that the Life Fire has never done anything like this before. So then how powerful will (Y/N) be?
Heyo my Hellhounds! Here's another chapter for y'all! Finished this around, what, eleven twenty at night. Anyways,


Stay strong,

Stay happy,

And continue to howl,


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