Handsome Devils and Beautiful Angels (part 4)

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~*Ohm's POV*~

It's been probably four weeks since we had gone to the Life Fire. Thankfully, (Y/N) had woken up twenty four hours after we had reached our home. He couldn't remember anything that had happened at the shrine. And we still don't know what happened with the flame. Luke and I were currently sitting around the kitchen island, talking over what had happened.

"All we know is that the flame removed him from its bowl." Luke stated. "But we don't know how or why it 'saved' him." I nodded. Looking out the window, I looked at the sun that had risen a while ago. Jonathan, Bryce and (Y/N) we're still asleep. I would have to go and wake them later.

"The flame had shown the ability to come into physical contact with an undiscovered Guardian." I noted. "But it never did with Tyler. So, why did it lift (Y/N)?" Luke shrugged.

"Well, think about it. (Y/N) had come through a portal that he didn't create. And no one here brought him through. So..." I looked at Luke and angled my head in curiosity.

"Are you assuming that the Life Fire opened a portal and brought him through?" He nodded.

"The flame is powerful enough to give someone a class of Guardian. Who's to say it can't open portals?" I considered his words for a bit.

"It... could be possible. But, how did it know to bring him through. There are thousands of other people it could have opened under." I heard someone walking around upstairs, but ignored them. Luke shook his head.

"Maybe it traced a specific signature of one with Guardian blood and found him?"

"But we've been here for thousands of years, since the first universe had died. With our dimensions and our own immortality, how come one didn't enter the world at a earlier time?" I leaned back against the island. There were more footsteps from upstairs, and a muffled heated argument. Luke and I made eye contact before there was pounding feet.

"Blazes!" Bryce exclaimed as he tripped while running down the stairs. Luke's tail shot out and caught him. "Thanks." Luke placed Bryce back on his feet. We both stood.

"Why are you in such a rush Bryce?" Luke questioned. Bryce's eyes were wide. He looked right at me, before motioning with his head.

"You guys need to see this." Luke and I made eye contact one last time before following Bryce up the stairs. Jonathan was standing outside of the room were (Y/N) was asleep. He looked to us when he heard us approach.

"You guys aren't going to believe this." He whispered. Slowly, he opened the door. I gasped and felt Luke stiffen beside me at what lay inside the room.

(Y/N) was still asleep. But he was a sickly grey. His veins were visible under his skin, and his breath sounded laboured. But excitement quickly overtook my concern. Two enormous fiery orange wings sat on his back. They weren't done forming yet, a few areas were still grey, but they were nearly complete. I started bouncing on my feet like a child. But I quickly stopped when (Y/N) groaned in pain. My concern took over again, and I rushed to his side. He was sweating like crazy. I pressed a hand to his forehead and immediately retracted it. He was burning up. But he was too hot for a Phoenix Guardian.

"His transformation is draining him." I whispered, turning to the others. "Get me some cold cloths, he's burning up." Luke rushed from the room. I ran my hands over his wings, watching. He shivered at the touch, and I let loose a sigh of relief. He could still feel external sources. But he might of been near comatose. I let my hands glow and placed them against what of his back was bare. Luke came back with a bowl of cold water and some cloths. He dunked one in the water and quickly placed it on the bit of his forehead that was visible. I let my energy flow into him. How long has this been going on? Some colour returned to his skin, but not a lot. I could hear the sizzling coming from the cloth on his forehead. He shifted under my hands, and I prayed he wouldn't wake up any time soon.

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