Beautiful Hate (Sminity)

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A SmiityxMini one-shot, requested by @RosaElizabethGames

People: Craig and Jaren

Alright, so I know no one actually knows what Smiity's real name is. But another reader gave me a slip of information that during one of his editing streams, they heard his computer refer to him as Jaren. So, from now on, any one-shots that haven't started him with being called Lucas will have him as Jaren until I know one hundred percent what his name is. Also, kinda changed the prompt.
~*Craigs POV*~

It was a mild summer day. I opened the windows in the shop, hoping to air out the place. I walked to one side of the shop and grabbed a watering can. I went into the back and filled it. Soon, I was walking down the rose aisle, watering the still unopened-budded flowers. It had been a pretty quiet day. Barely anyone had come in. But it isn't that big a deal. This place can usually get cramped on a regular work day. I moved down to the orchids next. There was already a watering can here with some decently warm water. Nothing too hot, but something similar to the waters that an orchid would usually receive.

"Craig dear!" The owner of the shopped called from the back.

"Yes, Miss Anson?" I answered. She came out of the back room. Miss Anson was a pretty women. In her late forties, her head covered with shoulder length curly chestnut hair with some silver strands. She had jade green almond shaped eyes, high cheek bones and was a little tan. Her voice was high pitches and melodic. She wasn't thin, but she wasn't big either, somewhere in the middle. She had a dirt covered apron on over top of a floral dress. All in all, Miss Anson was a very joyful women. I was lucky to have a boss like her.

"I'm going out to receive a small order of flower seeds. It'll take me around one to two hours to come back. I need you to watch the place while I'm gone." She came out from the back and removed the gloves on her hands. She quickly untied her apron and hung it on one of the racks behind the cash.

"Alright Miss Anson." She smiled at me before running into the back room again. This time she emerged with her purse and keys.

"If you need anything call and I'll be back as soon as I can." I smiled and nodded, watching as she quickly walked out the front door, closing it behind her. I smiled to myself. Miss Anson was a sweet lady. This shop of hers was originally family run. But she never married, so she had no children to pass it onto. I finished the orchids, then moved over to the grouped flowers. There were some bushes of peonies and lilacs. Really, if you were looking for a specific kind of flower, you'd probably be able to find. I was really glad I found a job here. And Miss Anson was glad she had found me. I was a bit of a flower addict, being able to somewhat understand what each flower meant.

I went into the back and removed some of the budding flowers to stack them on the shelves. There were some hydrangeas still in the pots. I moved some of the wrapped roses into the water filled buckets, being careful of the thorns. Looking around, I decided that the shop was clean and orderly enough for a flower shop. The phone rang, and I walked behind the counter to answer.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Is this Miss Anson's flower shop?" A nervous sounding male on the other line asked.

"Yes, it is."

"Oh. Well, we're her seed suppliers. We're calling to let her know that her seeds have arrived."

"Yes, she knows. She left a few minutes ago."

"Oh. Well, thank you for letting me know." The man on the other side hung up. Odd. Maybe their new or something? I shook my head, going back into the back room to grab more pre wrapped flowers. I grabbed some yellow carnations and placed them in the bucket with the others. I turned to go back and grab more flowers when the doors to the shop were slammed open. I jumped and whirled around, to see a twenty something year old standing there.

He had brown hair cut loosely around his head. He was somewhat tanned as well. Dark brown almond shaped eyes sat on a somewhat chubby face. He had on a white shirt underneath a black and white plaid opened button up shirt. He had blue jeans and white converse as well. Damn, he was kinda cute. He was squinting.

"How do you passive aggressively say fuck you in flower?" He asked, a lace of annoyance in his voice. I stared at him for a bit before bursting out in laughter. He stared at me before smiling himself. "Okay, I could have phrased that a little better." He came and leaned on my shoulder when I had finally calmed down. "Anyways cutie, think you could help me out?" I blushed a small bit when he referred to me as 'cutie' I pushed my glasses up further onto my face.

"Let me see. I think I remember." I answered, slipping out from his arm and walking around the store. "A beautiful bouquet that's still hating on someone." I started mumbling the meanings of each flower to myself.

"Wait, you actually speak flower?" I nodded.

"Okay, so you'd need geraniums." I picked a few from the bucket. "They represent stupidity. Foxglove, insecurity. Meadowsweet, uselessness. Yellow carnations, disappointment. And orange lilies, stupidity." I finished picking the flowers from the buckets. Turning to the stranger, I got curious. "May I ask what you need these for?" He chuckled.

"A friend and I are having a competition to see who can do the sweetest gesture all the while telling each other off." I giggle at this. A small pink dust coated his cheeks. I walked to the cash and rang him up. He came up a little afterwards. "Luckily, I'll be the first one to make a move. Lets see him top this!" I finished with pricing the flowers. He paid and took the bouquet. He sent me a wink before turning and leaving. I went to put the money in the cash register, but stopped when I saw the small slip of paper atop the money. I felt my face burn red as I unfolded it.

His number was written across most of the paper. In small letters 'call me cutie' was written across the bottom. I smiled to myself and stuffed the number into my pocket. I will be calling him.

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