Hybrid Hasle (Poly!BBS x Mreader) part 1

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Prompt: none.

People: Evan, Jonathan, Luke, Tyler, Ryan, Brock, Brian, Bryce, Lui, Marcel, David, Craig, Meader.

Sorry if I forgot someone. Too many people to remember. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

*~Third Person~*

It was midnight. The stands were filling up quickly. A man in a blue sweatshirt, black jeans, beanie and blue runners was the last person to enter the room before the doors were closed. Another illegal bidding was about to start. Everyone was handed their bidding signs, as all the lights except those focused on the stage were dimmed.

It was another hybrid bid. Thousands happened all over the world, holding exotic hybrids, common hybrids, you name it. Each hybrid sold was only a single breed. It's been said to be a myth, that a hybrid have more then one appearance. And, as usual, everyone was expecting the, well, usual. The speakers crackled to life.

"Welcome, one and all!" The MC said enthusiastically. "Before we begin our bidding, a little spoiler here for you! We have a surprise for our final hybrid. He sure is special, and will peak many of your interests. Before I spoil any more, let's get the bidding on the road!" A confused murmur spread through the crowd. No bid had been interrupted by a spoiler. Everyone was on the edge of their seats now. A man walked onto the stage, a blue tooth microphone set sitting on his head.

"Welcome, bidders! We have a wide variety of hybrids here with us today! We have exotics, like some chinchillas, some different snake species, and many more! We even have some mythical breeds, like our ferocious dragons! As well as our commons, such as the regular cat, dog, you name it! I bet many of you are curious to see what we have in store at the end of our bid! So, without further ado, let's get started!" The man motioned off stage, and on walked the first hybrid, of course, the chinchilla. "Let's start at, I'll say, five thousand!" Signs flew up all over the room as people shouted their prices. Ten thousand, fifteen, twenty. Soon, the chinchilla was sold, and the next hybrid walked on. The pattern continued.

~Time Skip Sponsered by Pyrotechnics~

The final common hybrid was sold off. The end of the bid was near. A lot of people were nearly jumping out of their seats. The variety of hybrids was incredible! There had been an even number of exotics, commons, and mythical creatures. If this was a major surprise, then surely it would have to of been as great as the other choices.

"Alright folks!" The MC said enthusiastically. "That was our final hybrid! Minus, our special one. We are here to present you all with something more rare then the mythical creatures. But, I'd rather all of you see him with your own eyes, instead of hearing it from me. So, let's introduce you, to our special hybrid." The MC backed off stage with his arms open, as if revealing some new kind of hair care product. A hole in the center of the stage opened. The sound of a mechanism was heard as the top of an enormous bird cage emerged from the hole. It's bars were made of both glass and metal. The entire room gasped as the cage finally reached the end of its travel. Sitting in the center of the cage sat a duo breed hybrid. His ears twitched around, his tail laying limp on the floor. They were the dark crimson red of a Hellhound. A pair of beautiful flaming red wings sat attached to his back, the definite colour of a Phoenix's wings.

*~Your POV~*

I sat in the bird cage, the mumble of the speakers from above the only sound, as well as the occasional tinkling of chains as I fluffed my wings. There were chains around them, and I could feel the cold of the metal as they touched my back. I wasn't able to stand. My body hurt, many of the wounds on my wings being reopened from them aggressively chaining me. They had ripped off my shirt as well, and many of the wounds on the rest of my body was visible. I knew that the cage was made of glass and metal, but I wasn't certain why. Soon, the elevator that my cage was on was rising. A hole in the stage opened up above me, and blinding light poured in. I closed my eyes and turned away, putting an arm on my eyes to block the light slightly. My ears started twitching as the sound of the machine for the elevator was heard. The machine stopped, and I heard a collective amount of gasps.

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