Game of Cat and Mice (Poly!BBS)

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This one was also requested by @Purplepuma11

People: Brian, Brock, Evan, Tyler, Jonathan, Craig, Lui, David, Marcel.
~*Evans POV*~

I sat at my desk, my colleagues chatting animatedly around me. It was still only twelve A.M, but I was waiting to for the all too familiar alarm to be set off. They usually cause some kind of trouble around this time. Mainly to get me out of the office to see me before I had to return. Apparently the several hours we spend together after my shift ends and the hours before it starts isn't enough for them.

One of our new rookies placed some papers on my desk. Complaints from all too familiar areas. Accusations of abuse. Accusations of gang activity in the area. I shuffled through the stacks. I was supposed to hand these off to our new members as 'practice'. I sighed and placed the paper on the corner of my desk. Then the alarms went off. My head snapped up as people started rushing around them. One of my colleagues stopped by my desk.

"You know who it is, Chief." He stated before rushing off. I nodded to myself and stood, smiling. They seriously can't go a day without doing this to me. One of these times, something was bound to happen. But I wouldn't think about it right now. I grabbed my normal Uzi and rushed to our garage, hopping into one of our cops cars, my female partner following soon afterwards.

"Where we heading Jess?" I asked. She tapped the location into our GPS. "North bound towards Maze Bank. But they aren't in the bank are they?" She shook her head.

"Their at the intersection. Shooting citizens." She confirmed. The garage opened and I had the sirens on. We were racing out of the station and down the street. Cars swerved out of the way as our three cars barrelled down the street.

"Any information on their weapons? Any explosives?" Jess shook her head again.

"From the information we've got, they only have guns. Hopefully there will be a lot less casualties this time on our part." I nodded. I let my eyes drift towards the shotgun laying across Jess' lap.

Drifting around a corner, we slammed on our brakes. There they stood, in the middle of the intersection. Smoking and destroyed cars filled the scenery. Along with bodies. We all parked and whipped out of our vehicles. We stood behind our doors, and watched as they slowly turned to us. It was funny, how regular this situation was. And it was funny how we would 'miss' killing each other so often. Everyone had their masks on, thank god.

"Look who it is boys." Jon spoke up. I could tell he was smirking under his Jason mask. "If it isn't our little police chief and his crew. How you doing pals?" I could hear some of them chuckle. I rolled my eyes at this common charade. I unholstered my Uzi and pointed it at the males in front of me.

"Drop your weapons and surrender." I yelled to them. Tyler strode forwards a bit.

"How about you drop your weapons and surrender." He called back. I shook my head, trying to hide my smirk. Marcel raised his gun and shot a spray to my left. Luckily, no one was there. But that was enough for my group to return fire. I shot, purposely missing them and shooting the vehicles close to them. They all ran to the vehicles nearest them and took cover. I might not be aiming to kill, but the others with me sure were.

I could hear other cars in the distance, and knew that we couldn't let our little act play out for as long as usual.

I ducked down for effects as a barrage of bullets went far over my head. A second set was sent towards the front of our car. Glass shattered, and I could tell some bullets went through the grill and hood of our car. I popped back out and let my own barrage at them, hitting the side of a truck. And then my gun jammed. Mumbling a quick 'shit', I rammed the heel of my hand against the side of it, pulling the trigger at the same time. My gun unjammed, a single bullet flying from it. Sadly, Tyler thought it to be a perfect time to pop out and shoot. And my bullet hit him right in the shoulder. He let out some loud cusses and dropped his gun, dodging back behind their truck.

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