Love Birds

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Ela Drizelle crept out of her house, quietly closing the door behind her. It was late and she couldn't afford to wake anyone up. If she was caught the consequences would be severe. She wasn't scared of the law enforcement, as the Peacekeepers in District 12 were quite docile. But her mother could be quite terrifying when she was angry.
It was dark outside, but Ela knew where she was going, like the back of her hand, and needed no to light to guide her. The temperature was low, and Ela shivered as she made her way along the dark empty streets.

After a few minutes of walking in silence, she arrived at her destination. Without knocking, Ela pushed open the door of the house she had arrived at. It creaked loudly, and Ela froze.
She took a deep breath to calm herself, and decided that no one had heard the noise.
Ela tiptoed through the house, which was a rather small building, and definatly smaller than her own house. The inside consisted of 1 bathroom, 2 bedrooms and a small kitchen.

Once she reached the smaller of the two bedrooms, she pushed the door open and stepped inside. The room was very empty, containing nothing more than a small bed and a chest of drawers.
Ela began to approach the bed, staring at the young man who occupied it. He had dirty blonde, light brown hair, and a sunken, pale looking face.
But Ela didn't mind, to her, he was the most beautiful thing in the world.

Glen Mittle was a year older than Ela, but she didn't care. He was the one for her.
They had been childhood sweethearts, since they were very small. And their love had only grown stronger as they got older.
Ela walked around to the left-hand side of the bed, and began to get into the bed quietly.
Unfortunatly, it wasn't quite quiet enough.
Glen woke up and turned around to face her.
"Are you alright?" He whispered.

Glen stroked Ela's face softly, before kissing her head.
Ela smiled, "I am now".
Glen moved his left arm, and placed it around Ela's shoulders, bringing her into his chest and embracing her.
"I couldn't sleep" said Ela quietly.
"I just kept thinking, what if it's me" she continued.
Glen sighed, "Ela. Your name is only in there a handful of times. Think yourself lucky. Some of the girls from the Seam will have their names in there a lot more times than you. You have never taken out a tesserae, most merchant kids like you are rarely chosen. You are safe".

"I know that some people have their names in more times than me. But this is my last year Glen, my name is in there more times than it has ever been before" Ela reminded.
"I know love. But try not to think about it. Worrying isn't good for you. Or him" replied Glen, before placing his hand onto Ela's belly.
Ela smiled and shook her head, "Why are you so sure it's a boy? It could be a girl".
"Instinct" replied Glen shrugging.

Glen raised Ela's blouse slightly and kissed her buldging belly.
"Nearly 8 months now, right?" He asked.
"I think so. It's hard to tell. Especially as we haven't been to any doctors. But I think 8 months is about right" Ela replied.
Glen looked into Ela's eyes fondly. "I love you" he whispered.
"I love you too" replied Ela, as she leaned over, and kissed him on the lips.
He kissed her back firmly, while caressing her cheek. He stopped himself, and withdrew from her embrace.
"Don't tempt me. We can't do anything while you're in this condition" he murmered.
Ela smiled cheekily, and rested her head on his shoulder.

"You are the most beautiful creature on this earth" complimented Glen.
Ela closed her eyes and smiled.
"Goodnight my love" Glen whispered.
After a few minutes of silence the two lovers fell asleep in each other's arms.
And when they woke the next morning they were still laying in each other's embrace. But they found that they were not alone in the room.

Glen's mother Appoline stood over them with her arms folded.
"Good morning" she said sternly.
"Good morning mother" replied Glen, as he casually lifted his blanket over Ela, so that it covered more of her body.
"Good morning Mrs Mittle" said Ela sweetly.
Appoline rolled her eyes and unfolded her arms.
"You two love-birds are going to get into serious trouble one of these days. Ela, you had better get home before your parents wake up. It's reaping day, and they will want to spend as much time with you as possible, before everyone goes down to the square in the centre of town for the reaping" said Appoline.

Ela nodded her head guiltily, and bent down to kiss Glen goodbye.
"See you in the square" she whispered.
"Not if I see you first" he replied.
Ela began to get out of the bed, making sure that her blouse and cardigan were covering her bump. She also folded her arms, to obstruct the view of her belly even more.
"Goodbye Mrs Mittle" said Ela as she passed Appoline at the doorway.
"Goodbye Ela. I'll have my fingers crossed for a happy outcome later" replied Appoline smiling sadly.
"Now you get some clothes on" instructed Appoline, as she pointed at her son's bare chest.
Glen rolled his eyes and winked at Ela as she left the room, and began to make her way back to her own house.

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