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Ela wanted to talk to Haymitch, who was now living in district 13, but no one would let her, as he was sobering up in the lower parts of the underground.
Haymitch had been drinking ever since he won his own games and the President had his family and girlfriend killed.
District 12 had its own black market called the Hob, where alcohol and other items were traided. But district 13 was a very different environment, and its people all abided the rules.
So, since drinking alcohol was forbidden, Haymitch was being forced into sobriety.
This meant that Ela couldn't see him until he was a functioning human being again.
None of Ela's friends had made it to district 13, so Glen's mother was the only person that they could reconnect with.
Some people from their home did give them odd glances every now and again, but they looked a lot different to how they had in district 12, so no one made any attempt to talk to them.

Within a week of the people from 12 joining those in 13, Peeta was forced onto their tv screens by President Snow, encouraging people to stop fighting.
Since the games, all of Panem was at war with the Capital and the Peacekeepers.
Those in 13 were angry at Peeta's speech, but Ela wasn't, because she expected he'd had no choice but to do as he was told. He was a hostage in the Capital, so would do whatever it took to stay alive.
Seeing Peeta being used at Snow's puppet, prompted Katniss to step up and agree to be the Mockingjay.
Ela had seen her around 13, but not approached her, as she always seemed so disoriented and upset.
However, since Katniss was a survivor of the hunger games, Ela wanted to talk to her, as she was one of the only other people alive, who understood what it was like being in the arena.

The day after agreeing to be the Mockingjay, Katniss arrived to dinner looking better than Ela had ever seen her look, and she also had a miserable looking Haymitch by her side.
Ela assumed that Haymitch's foul mood, was due to the lack of alcohol in his system.
Even though each family in the dining room was assigned their own table, Ela left hers and made her way across the room towards the Everdeen and Hawthorne table.
"Hello Haymitch" Ela said quietly, when she reached them.
Haymitch spun around to look at her, "Well, well, look what the cat dragged in".
"It's good to see you too" smiled Ela.
Katniss stared at her, as if trying to think of where she had seen her before.

"Forgive my intrusion. I'm Ela Drizelle" introduced Ela.
Katniss frowned, "I recognise you. Didn't you die during childbirth in the games a few years ago?".
"I was in the games, but I didn't actually die. Haymitch and my fellow tribute Tomas, helped get me out. Tomas cut the tracker from my arm, like Johanna did for you. Only for me, he did it to stop the Capital from having access to my heartbeat. He could then fake my death and get me taken from the arena. Once back home, me and my family ran away, and we found this place a few months later" explained Ela.

"Why don't you take a seat, so that we can catch up... I have to admit, that I didn't expect to see you here" confessed Haymitch.
"Did you assume that we died in the woods somewhere?" Questioned Ela, as she sat down next to Katniss.
"Yes, I did. And I was a little annoyed when you ran away, after all the hard work that I put in to bringing you back home. I didn't think there was anyway you would be able to survive very long on your own, especially with such a young child"
"Well, we proved you wrong then. Me and Glen thrived in the forest for 8 months before we were brought down here. And Tammy is very happy and healthy, thanks for asking".

"You managed to get her out?" Katniss questioned Haymitch.
"It wasn't easy. But I managed to bribe all the right people, to get her brought back to district 12 untouched. Her being pregnant made a lot of people sympathetic to her" admitted Haymitch.
"You being pregnant caused quite a stir in the Capital as well" reminded Ela.
"I was never actually pregnant. It was just an idea of Peeta's to try and get the games stopped" revealed Katniss quietly.
Ela's jaw dropped, but she quickly closed it.
"It was a very good idea" she whispered.
"Yes. I wish he had told me about it beforehand though".

"It seems like I'm not the only who had my fellow tribute plotting with Haymitch behind my back then" admitted Ela.
"No, I too wasn't told about anything before it happened. I didn't know about any of this rebellion until I got here" confessed Katniss.
"It is annoying being kept out of the loop" agreed Ela.
"Yes, it is... I still can't actually believe that Haymitch managed to get you out"
"I was surprised as you when I finally got home. But I quickly learned that you can never truly escape the games. I don't think I've had a good nights sleep since the reaping where my name was drawn out all those years ago"
"Me neither".

"I'm just glad that my daughter was able to grow up away from all that. She will never have to suffer like we did" said Ela, as she looked back at the table where Glen and Tammy were sat.
"She is lucky then" replied Katniss.
"Well that's what we are all fighting for. We are fighting for a world where our children don't have to live in fear"
"Do you really think we can overthrow the Capital?"
"I don't know. But for the first time in 75 years, we have hope. I know that you didn't ask for it, but you are the symbol of the this rebellion. And I look forward to fighting alongside you, to win back our freedom".

"I'm surprised Coin hasn't tried to use you in this rebellion, showing you as a person who managed to escape from the Capital. You are proof that the President can be undermined. You're also a very good speaker. Much better than me" admitted Katniss.
"I would never do anything that puts my family at risk, and that includes being a public figurehead. I prefer fighting from the sidelines. I've lived in hiding for years, and I'm not ready for that to change" replied Ela.
"I understand. If I could get out of this, and make someone else the Mockingjay, then I would" Katniss said quietly.
"Well unfortunately sweetheart, you don't have that luxury" reminded Haymitch.
"No. The people stand behind the Mockingjay, and without you, there would be no rebellion, no uprising" agreed Ela.

"Then I guess I had better step up and become what everyone expects me to be" sighed Katniss.
"And we will all be right behind you, cheering you on. With all the districts finally united, with one goal in mind, we have a chance to overthrow the Capital. President Snow won't know what hit him. We will make him pay, for forcing us to fight in his ludicrous games. We will show him, that he didn't break us, he just made us stronger. We fight for the future generation,  so that they can live long and free lives" smiled Ela.
"Then we'd better get this show on the road" replied Katniss.

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