New Beginnings

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Ela's parents really didn't want to let her go, so soon after having her back in their lives, but Ela didn't give them a say in the matter.
And after several days of discussion, they agreed to help her with her plan, to the best of their abilty.
Ela was glad that they had come around to her way of thinking, since she needed their full support, for her plan to work.
Once Ela was ready to leave, she said goodbye to her and Glen's parents for the last time. Her and Glen gathered up as much food and belongings as they could carry, and made her way under the wire, and into the forest.
Being back in a forest again, frightened Ela, but she stuck close to Glen's side, as they journeyed on.

Once they found the hut, Glen kissed her goodbye, and left her with the supplies.
For their plan to work, Glen would have to return home, and spend the rest of the week without her.
He would bring Tammy the following night, once everyone thought she was dead.
The pair would then be apart, until Glen faked his own death at the end of the week.
It was an anxious wait for Ela, who was also struggling to look after Tammy, without her mothers help.
But eventually the week was up, and Glen was reunited with his family.

The second she saw Glen approaching, Ela ran through the trees to reach him.
"I've missed you" admitted Ela, as she jumped into his arms, and kissed him passionately on the lips.
"I've only been gone a few days" reminded Glen.
"I know, but it feels like much longer" replied Ela, as Glen set her back down, and they made their way towards the hut.
There were several huts dotted around the woods, within an hours walk from district 12.
The pair had never walked further than that away from home. And that particular hut was the best kept, which is why they used to use it to hang out in.
It had a small chimney, and fire pit, so they could burn fire wood to keep warm and cook food. There was also a small camp bed in the corner, that they liked to snuggle up on.

"What was Tammy's funeral like?" Asked Ela as they stepped inside the hut.
"Quiet. It was just family there, and we all knew that the coffin was empty, so no one felt too bad. Although seeing a coffin that small, was unsettling" answered Glen, as he picked up Tammy.
"Careful, I've just managed to get her to go to sleep" admitted Ela.
"I haven't seen her in days though"
"Well you've got a long time to get re-acquainted in the future. So please let her rest".
Glen sighed and placed Tammy back down in the cot Ela had made out of wood.

"You look tired" commented Glen, as he sat down on the floor.
"I haven't been sleeping very well" revealed Ela, as she copied him grateful for the chance to rest her aching legs.
"Because of Tammy?" Questioned Glen.
"Yes and no. She does wake me up several times in the night, but that's not the only reason I can't sleep... When I do manage to fall sleep, I get woken by bad dreams"
"Well I'm here now, so you don't have to wake up alone any more".

"How's it been these past few days?" Questioned Ela curiously.
"Not good. People keep wanting to talk to me and reassure me that everything's going to be O.K. When you were still living with your parents, I didn't mind it so much. But without you, I started to wonder if you were really gone. I started thinking that maybe everything that had happened since you came back, was just a dream to escape the harsh reality that you had died in childbirth" revealed Glen.
"I know how you feel. I keep thinking that I'm going to wake up and find myself back in the games" shuddered Ela.

Glen shuffled across the floor, so that he was by her side.
"That is never going to happen again. You are never going back into the arena" he reassured her, as he placed his arm around her shoulders.
"I know. But I just keep thinking about the games. You've no idea what it was like in there. You spend every minute thinking that you're going to die, and it's almost impossible to get a good night's sleep" admitted Ela.
"Does it help, talking about what it was like in there?"
"I'm not sure I'm ready to talk about everything that happened in the games. The wound is still too raw"
"That's fine. I will be here ready to listen, when you are".

Ela smiled, "You really are amazing".
"Not as amazing as you. You survived the hunger games and brought our little girl into the world" complimented Glen.
"I didn't do those things alone. I had help from Haymitch and Tomas" reminded Ela.
"But you still did those things, regardless of who helped you. You're an inspiration. And our daughter is lucky to have an incredible mother like you. You're the best, most beautiful human I have ever met"
"Careful sweetie, comments like that will lead to Tammy having a sibling soon. And that is not something we need right now".

Glen smiled cheekily, "You're right, another child would not be ideal right now... Does that mean you're not willing to take the risk?".
"Easy tiger, I only gave birth like a week ago. I am not ready for anything like that just yet" admitted Ela.
"Well, you'll just have to let me know when you're ready. Don't make me wait too long though, or I might start looking for another partner. I saw some pretty sexy looking trees on the way up here" joked Glen.
Ela laughed, "Oh god. How are we going to cope, spending the rest of our lives together, without speaking to another living soul".

"I'm sure we'll manage. And when we start driving each other too crazy, we will know that it is time to move to another location, to shake things up a bit" admitted Glen.
"That's a good idea. We can stay here until we go insane, and then we can begin our slow journey in the direction of district 13" replied Ela.
"How long do you think it will take before we've driven each other around the bend?" Asked Glen.
"A few months maybe".
Glen started tickling Ela, making her laugh.
"Scratch that. I'm going to be fed up with you by the end of the week" she smiled.
Glen pretended to look upset, and Ela chuckled before pressing her lips against his.
"I love you" she whispered.
"And I love you too" Glen whispered back.

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