Moving On

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Over the next few days, Ela's fake funeral took place, and a large crowd gathered to say goodbye to her.
Ela, was of course stuck in doors during this event, and it was the first time she had been home alone, since returning from the Capital.
The funeral didn't last very long, and her family returned to her side as quickly as possible.
Tomas's funeral took place on the same day, and even though Ela was desperate to go and pay her respects, she knew it wasn't possible for her to do so.

Because of the amount of time that Glen was spending with Ela, they had to reveal the truth about her escape from the games, to his parents.
Although shocked at first, they were pleased to see that Ela was alive, and allowed their son to move in with her.
But since Glen had to work during the day, Ela spent most of her time with her parents and newborn daughter.

Unable to leave the house, Ela was left with a lot of time to think. And thinking all day, gave her time to come up with a plan for how she wanted to live her life.
"I have an idea" she announced to Glen one evening, when the pair were alone in Ela's bedroom.
"What's your idea?" Questioned Glen.
"I think we should leave here, because I don't want to spend the rest of my life in my parents house. We have to think about the future as well, because I won't be able to hide here, when they're gone" replied Ela.
"We can't exactly ask for a house of our own"
"I don't just mean leaving here, I think we should leave district 12 all together".

"Don't be silly, we've got nowhere else to go" reminded Glen.
"That's not true, we have the woods" replied Ela.
"You're talking about that small hut where we used to hang out"
"Yes. It's far enough into the trees to avoid being seen or heard, so we could be safe there"
"It's not that big, especially not for the three of us. I assume you don't intend on leaving Tammy behind"
"No, I would never leave her. But we don't need much space, and it's not that much smaller than your house. Besides the forest around the hut, can be our new home as well"
"But what would we eat and drink?"
"I think you'll find that I'm very good at hunting and finding water, thanks to my time in the hunger games".

"You're serious about this, aren't you?" Sighed Glen.
"Yes. I think I should go soon, and start getting things ready. I can go at night and sneak under the wire, like we used to do. You and Tammy can join me with your belongings, once I'm ready" announced Ela.
"Are you really ready to leave your parents behind, forever?"
"I'm 18 and you're 19, we are both adults, so it's time we started acting our age. We can't live with our parents for the rest of our lives"
"So, you want me to quit my job, and run away with you"
"Actually, I think it would be best if you and Tammy died, at least in the eyes of the public"
"Come again?".

"You can't just disappear. Your parents will need to give people an explanation, regarding your whereabouts. If Tammy dies in a day or two, you can say that she was born too soon and that she was too weak to live. In reality of course she will be with me in the woods. You will then have to pretend to die shortly later. However, if you die of natural causes, it might be suspicious. So if everyone believed that you took your own life, it might be best, because after losing the love of your life and your daughter, you would be unstable, so the story is believable" admitted Ela.
"I certainly would be unstable if I lost you" agreed Glen.
"And I you... So, are you willing to take this risk with me?" Asked Ela.
"It doesn't seem like I have much choice, because you've already planned it all out. And you're right, staying here forever is not practical".

"No, it's not. But neither is staying in that hut forever, which is why I think we should move on, once Tammy is a bit stronger" revealed Ela.
"Move on where?" Frowned Glen.
"Maybe in the direction of district 13, since no one would think to look for us there. Perhaps there is more there than the Capital cares to tell us. We might find some ruins that we can live in. A few old buildings or something, that we can make our home"
"If you think that this is the best thing to do, then I will follow you anywhere".

"I wish that convincing my parents is going to be as easy as it was to convince you, but I don't think it will be. They're not going to want to let me and Tammy go" admitted Ela.
"Tammy is our daughter, not theirs, so we decide what is best for her" reminded Glen.
"I know. And although this may be dangerous, it is the right thing to do. If we stay here, Tammy's name will get pulled out during the reaping in 11 years time, I just know it. Victor's children always seem to end up getting thrown into the games. And even though I didn't win, so I'm not a victor, Tammy was born in an arena, so the Capital will find it poetic if she dies in one"
"The results at the reaping aren't fixed beforehand by those in the Capital"
"So they say. But there are times when it's hard to believe that".

"If we use that angle, we might be able to convince your parents, since they will want Tammy to have the chance to live a long happy life, free from the oppression of the Capital. Not that we need their permission. This is something we have decided to do, and they won't be able to change our minds" said Glen firmly.
Ela smiled, "I'm glad I fell in love with someone who fully supports my crazy ideas".
"You're not crazy, because I would tell you if you were. This plan may be a little bizarre, but it is a good idea. So, now we just have to reveal what we're going to do, to our families"
"They're not going to like it. But let's get this over and done with quickly, because the sooner we leave and start our new life, the better".

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