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Ela struggled to sleep that night, as dark dreams of Katia chasing her through the forest, chilled her to the core.
It was the first direct contact she'd had with another tribute, who was an actual threat, which is why the encouter scared her so much.
She woke up the next morning covered in what she thought was sweat, until she more closely looked at the location of dampness on her body.
Terrified of what this water meant, Ela immediately began looking around the cave for Tomas, who was sat near the entrance.
"Tomas" mumbled Ela.
Tomas turned around to face her, and closed the gap between them, when he saw the worried look on Ela's face.
"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Look" whispered Ela, as she pointed to her trousers that were soaked.
"I think my waters have broken" trembled Ela, who was afraid that saying it out loud, would make it real.
Tomas took hold of Ela's shaking hands, and held them firmly.
"We're going to be O.K. You, are going to be O.K" reassured Tomas.
"How, how am I going to be O.K?" Questioned Ela.
"We've been planning for this moment remember. Haymitch told me what to do if you gave birth in the arena"
"Haymitch? He knows as much about labour and giving birth, as the berries we eat for breakfast".

"People give birth all the time, so it can't be too complicated. Your body knows what to do, even if we don't" insisted Tomas.
"Well I'm glad that my body does, because my mind has no idea" admitted Ela.
"There's no point in panicking and stressing yourself out. That is not good for you or the baby. From what Haymitch told me, labour takes hours, so this will probably take all day"
"I'm so looking forward to it"
"I know it's not going to be an enjoyable day, but you're going to have to get through it, there is no other option"

"I don't want to leave you like this, but you're going to need food and water to keep you going. So I've got to go" sighed Tomas.
"Please don't leave me" begged Ela.
"I've got to. You need sustenance, and so do I" reminded Tomas.
Tomas grabbed his sword and stood to his feet.
"What if I don't make it?" Ela said quietly.
Tomas frowned, "I don't understand".
"It happens sometimes. When the woman is weak, she doesn't always survive labour. And I am certainly not as strong as I need to be for this" admitted Ela.
"You are not going to die, so don't talk about crazy things like that. You are going to survive, go home, and be an amazing mother to your child. I promise you that".

Tomas bent down and kissed Ela on the head, before heading out of the cave, picking up their water bottles from the floor on his way.
The way that he had been so sure that Ela was going home, puzzled her. As Tomas had no say in who lived and who died.
Ela knew that back home, mothers and their babies didn't always survive childbirth.
Mothers often were left empty handed after labour, and on some rare occasions the baby survived when the mother didn't.
So Ela was terrified that she wasn't going to survive.
And once Ela had given birth, she knew that she was going to be in no fit state to fight any other tributes, should they find her.
Which is why she didn't think that she was going to be alive much longer.

Luckily Haymitch had her back.
Ela and Tomas hadn't recieved any aid from their mentor, since the beginning of the games, which had confused them.
But once Ela went into labour, his intentions began clear.
Haymitch, using money given to him by numerous sponsors had sent them; a very basic book on child birth which only contained a few pages, a white sterile blanket to wrap the baby in, and a small bottle of pain relief for Ela.
The bottle only contained a very small amount of liquid, and its affects would only last a few hours, so Ela knew that she had to wait until the pain was unbearable, before she drank it.

For Ela, the hours seemed to drag by very slowly, each one bringing her more pain than the last.
She just prayed that the game makers didn't send any threats her way, as she wouldn't be able to run to safety.
By about midday, Ela's labour began to accelerate, and she was forced to drink the pain relief, to stay sane, and lower the amount of pain she was in.
"I need to take a look down there" revealed Tomas uncomfortably.
"You are not seeing me naked" informed Ela.
"The book says that I need to see how dilated you are"
"Well, I'm not going to let you, so there"
"How am I going to deliver the baby, if you won't let me help you".

"You'll have to catch the baby with your eyes shut" instructed Ela.
"Look, this isn't exactly going to be very enjoyable for me either, I haven't even been with a girl before, so seeing you with your trousers off, while giving birth is not going to be a pleasant experience. But I'm willing to do this, to help you, and your baby. This isn't about you or your pride, this is about keeping your baby alive" reminded Tomas.
Ela sighed, "Fine. But only for a few seconds, and make sure that we're angled away fron the camera, because I'm not having my private parts broadcast to every single person in Panem".
Tomas moved Ela round, so that the camera in the cave could only see the top of Ela, and his back.
He then covered the lower part of her in his jacket, before carefully removing her trousers.

"Um, I think you're nearly there, because I can see the baby's head" admitted Tomas awkwardly.
"Thank God, that means this is nearly over" replied Ela.
"I'm afraid not. You've still got to push the baby out" reminded Tomas.
"How come every time I talk to you, I end up feeling worse"
"It's not your fault"
"No, it's your boyfriend's fault, for getting you knocked up in the first place"
"Hey, don't blame this on Glen, I am equally as guilty as he is"
"That's true".

"Eugh, I can feel the baby coming" gasped Ela.
"Then push" instructed Tomas.
"I can't" replied Ela.
"Yes you can"
"No, I can't, I'm too tired"
"Ela, you don't have a choice, you have to do this. Here, grab hold of my arm for support, and push as hard as you  can".
Ela gripped Tomas's arm tightly, as she pushed with all her might.
"You're doing it" praised Tomas.
"Although I'd prefer it if you didn't squeeze all the blood out my arm" he continued.
Ela squeezed him tighter, causing him to wince in pain.
"You're not in anywhere near as much pain as I am, so don't go complaining to me" hissed Ela.
"No, you're right. I'm sorry" apologised Tomas.

A few difficult pushes later, and Ela's baby came into the world.
"You did it!" Announced Tomas.
"Is it alright?" Questioned Ela, over the baby's cries.
Tomas nodded as he took Ela's knife and cut the baby's cord.
"It is actually a she" he revealed.
"It's a girl?" Gasped Ela.
Tomas wrapped the baby in the blanket they'd been sent, before placing her into Ela's arms.
"Welcome to the world little one" whispered Ela, as she kissed her daughters head softly.

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