The Big Reveal

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Ela knew she couldn't keep her pregnancy a secret for long, so since all the people she needed to tell, where in one room, she decided to just come out with it.
"There's something I need to say" announced Ela bravely.
"And what's that?" Questioned Haymitch as he leaned across the table to grab a bottle of liquor.
"Well seeing as we're going to be spending a lot of time together, I thought you should all know that I'm pregnant" revealed Ela.
"I'm sorry, what?"
"I'm pregnant, about 8 months or so".
Ela stood up and pressed her flowy dress down, to reveal her bump. Had she been properly fed she would've been a lot bigger, but since no one in district 12 ate enough, their pregnancy bumps were never huge.
Children in 12 were born starving, and so many died before they reached adulthood, and that was not because of the hunger games.

Effie's jaw dropped, and it was clear that she never expected anything like this.
Feeling uncomfortable, Ela sat back down in her seat.
"Well this explains a lot" admitted Tomas, who hadn't said a word to Ela since the reaping.
"What does it explain?" Asked Ela.
"Well, your boyfriend practically threatened to kill me and my whole family, if I didn't help you in the arena"
"Oh. What did you say to him?"
"I don't wish any harm to come to my family, even if I die. So I have no choice but to protect you in the arena"
"I'm sorry about him. He can be very protective"
"Don't worry about it. He's trying to protect his lover and unborn child. Most men would act the way he did".
Haymitch raised his glass at Ela, "Well, congratulations sweetheart".
Ela could tell by his tone that he didn't mean what he said.

"Well, this is a difficult situation" admitted Effie, who had regained the power of speech.
"Yes, I'm sorry I've put you in this position, but I had no idea that I was going to be chosen, since my name wasn't in that many times" sighed Ela.
"There's nothing anyone can do to change what happened. When we get to the Capital, there are doctors there who can induce your labour-"
"No! No one is taking this baby from me. It might not survive if it's born now, because it will be too small. Besides, I would be weak from the birth, which would put me at a disadvantage in the arena".

"She's got a point" agreed Haymitch.
"Well it's just a dangerous for her to go in carrying a baby inside her" reminded Effie.
"She is right here. And it is my choice" insisted Ela.
Effie sighed, "Yes, it is... I guess I have a lot of work to do when we get to the Capital, to sort everything out".
Ela's hands drifted to her stomach and a prayer ran through her mind as she hoped for a happy outcome for her and her child.

Once at the Capital, Ela met with her prep team, who were there to make her look beautiful.
They were shocked by her pregnancy, but congratulated her.
However her condition didn't make them go any easier on her.
They pulled out all her body hair that they felt didn't belong. And the experience left Ela feeling very sore.
She was then left alone in a white room, while she stood naked waiting for the arrival of her stylist.

Eventually her stylist arrived and introduced himself as Jared.
He then walked around Ela, taking in every inch of her body, making her feel very uncomfortable as her body was reserved for Glen's eyes only.
When he was finished, Jared threw a white robe to Ela, which she quickly wrapped around herself.
"I guess you're going to have to change your plans for me" Ela said quietly.
"I did have other outfit ideas for you, it's true. But I think we should make the most of this situation, and show off your body. We need to make sure that everyone knows that you are pregnant. Your situation will make people sympathetic towards you, and might make them want to sponsor you" replied Jared.

When Ela saw the tiny amount of clothing she was expected to wear, her heart sunk.
Being from a coal mining district, their tributes either ended up in mining outfits, or were covered head to toe in coal.
Unfortunately for Ela, her outfit was the latter.
She had been provided with black underwear but that was it.
It took her seconds to get dressed, before her prep team came back and began painting her in a clear substance, which they used to stick the coal powder on with.
Ela hated having so much of her body exposed, but she knew that she had no choice in her wardrobe. Those in the Capital always got what they wanted.
The only part of her that remained coal free, was her face, but it was covered in heavy make-up, so it didn't even feel like her face.

Once she was ready she was taken down to her chariot, where she was reunited with Tomas.
Like her, Tomas wore nothing but a pair of black pants, the rest of him was covered in coal.
Even Ela had to admit that Tomas was a very well built, muscular man.
She could tell then that exposing his body to the people of Capital was sure to get him sponsors.
Ela averted her eyes, and reminded herself that she had a boyfriend.
"So, are you ready for the whole of Panem to know your secret?" Asked Tomas.
Ela shook her head, "Our parents don't even know. So this is going to be a shock to them".

"You're not the only person to get pregnant, without being married first" reminded Tomas.
"I know. But I don't think my mother is going to take this very well. She always had high expectations for me" admitted Ela.
"Well what were you going to do when you gave birth? You would have to have told everyone then wouldn't you?"
"To be honest, we kept putting off what we were going to do, which is careless of us, I know. But we still had a month left to plan".

"This has thoroughly messed things up then" said Tomas.
"You could say that again. But Glen doesn't want me to give up. He wants me to go out fighting" admitted Ela.
"Well then, that's what we're going to do. We are allies afterall" reminded Tomas.
Ela took hold of Tomas's hand and he helped her onto their chariot.
A moment later their horses began to walk forward, pulling the chariot with them, and dragging Ela and Tomas into the bright lights.

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