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As the years passed, Ela and Glen became used to life in district 13. And their daughter Tammy grew up in a world, free from the oppression of the Capital.
However, they never forgot about their home in district 12, and Ela never forgot about her time in the games.
After the 74th hunger games ended, things in 13 started to change.
Revolution was in the air, spreading across Panem like wildfire.
Katniss Everdeen found a way to make sure that her and her boyfriend Peeta Mellark survived the games. This created 2 victors in a single games for the first time ever.
And after they were both crowned victors, the districts had hope in their eyes, and began to rally around her.

In an attempt to stop the uprising, President Snow decided to use the quarter quell to his advantage, throwing old victors in the games.
Had Ela survived the games properly and become a victor, her name would've been in the bowl alongside Katniss. But with no other female victors in district 12, Katniss's name was drawn out, and Peeta volunteered to protect Haymitch when his name was called out for male tribute.
Normally, being a victor meant that you were exempt from all future hunger games, so this quarter quell changed that idea, and it scared Ela.

Nightmares often plagued Ela, but once the 75th games was announced, her dreams became worse, and she often woke up screaming in the night.
Glen did his best to reassure her that everything was going to be O.K, but he hadn't been in the games, so he was unable to connect with her fully on the subject.
The one person Ela was desperate to talk to, who understood exactly what she was going through, was Tomas, but he was dead, so Ela felt like she was alone.

The 75th hunger games ended abruptly when Katniss destroyed the forcefield that surrounded the arena.
President Coin sent soldiers in a hovercraft to rescue Katniss and as many other victors as they could.
But unfortunately Finnick Odair was the only other victor they managed to rescue. Peeta, Enobaria, and Johanna were left behind.
This wasn't all though, because President Snow was furious with what had happened, so he firebombed district 12 off the face of the earth.
District 12 was no more, and 80% of its population had been burned alive.

The remainder of the population had been rescued by district 13 and brought underground.
As the refugees from 12 were welcomed into district 13, Ela and Glen were desperate to find their families and their friends.
After searching the list of survivors, they came across Glen's mother Appoline, and headed straight for the compartment that she had been assigned.
Glen knocked on the door, and shuffled awkwardly as he waited for his mother to open it.
Ela could hear footsteps approaching and a few moments later the door swung open.
Without waiting for an invitation, Glen threw his arms around his mother, holding her tight.

"You're alive" gasped Appoline.
"So are you" replied Glen as they drew apart.
"And we're both here in 13"
"I know, it's a strange place for a reunion"
"Where's Tammy, didn't she make it?".
"Tammy is at school right now with the other children in 13. We thought it was best that we spoke to you first, before re-introducing you to your granddaughter" admitted Ela.
"Is she well?" Asked Appoline.
"She's perfect, and I can't wait for you to meet her" answered Glen.

"Have you seen my parents? Did they survive?" Questioned Ela, who was unable to hold back her question any longer.
Apolline lowered her head, "I don't think they made it out. I haven't seen or heard anything from them, which is unusual, because we became good friends after you two left".
Ela nodded her head and fought back tears.
Glen placed one arm around her, pulling her close to his chest.
"What about dad?" Questioned Glen, who was curious as to what had happened to his father Carlton.
Appoline shook her head, "He died a few years ago in a mining incident. The same one that killed Katniss's father in fact".
"I see" mumbled Glen somberly.

"I didn't think that I'd ever see you again, and I'm so thankful that we have this chance to reunite" admitted Appoline.
"When we said goodbye all those years ago, I thought I was saying goodbye to you forever" replied Glen.
"When did you find this place?" Asked Appoline curiously.
"I think we'd nearly been living in the forest for 8 months, before we were discovered by soldiers from 13, who wanted to know who we were, and what we were doing so close to their secret underground bunker. They took us in, and gave us a home, safe from starvation and the eyes of the Capital".

"There are times when I miss the life we had before" revealed Ela.
"Really? What back in 12?" Questioned Appoline.
"No, I meant the life me and Glen had in the forest. Back then, we were free to do as we pleased. But here, everything in your day is scheduled beforehand and printed onto your arm each morning. We no longer have the freedom that we had before. I'm not denying that there are perks to living here, but sometimes I miss the life we had before" admitted Ela.

"We're luckier than most. At least we have the chance to go up onto the surface, and bath in the sunlight. Not many people have that luxury, which is why their skin looks different to ours" reminded Glen.
"That's true. Most people down here, live their whole lives without ever seeing the sun. But after a few months down here, we realised that we couldn't do that. So we kicked up a fuss, and demanded to be let out. Eventually the people here relented, and allowed us time in the forest up above, as long as we brought back food. Everyone here has a role to play in keeping this place alive, and ours is supplying livestock. They do raise some animals for slaughter down here, but nothing tastes as good as freshly caught game from outside" added Ela.

"They've been very gracious and welcoming to us since we arrived" admitted Appoline.
"I doubt they're doing it out of the goodness of their hearts. When we arrived, they were just coming out of a bad pox epidemic. The illness wiped out a lot of their children, and left a lot of the population infertile. Which is probably why they've been so welcoming. They want to increase their population" replied Ela.
"I'm sure it's more than that"
"You don't know these people. They're not like us, they're raised differently. Survival and keeping their population going is all they care about. Which is why they haven't been very nice to us lately. We are fertile, but haven't produced any more children, which in their minds is a waste of our abilities".

"So, you haven't had any more children together?" Questioned Appoline.
Glen rested his hand on Ela's shoulder, "Ela didn't want to. And after everything she went through last time, I wasn't going to force her into something that she wasn't ready for".
"I haven't said that I won't one day, we're still young afterall, so there is always time in the future for that. But I can't put myself through it again, not yet" admitted Ela quietly.
"Well, you were only 18 when you had Tammy, so you're right, you have the rest of your lives ahead of you. You don't need to think about having any more children just yet" replied Appoline.

"We are happy with Tammy and each other, and we'd hate to upset our family dynamic right now. Besides, there is a lot going on here in 13. Uprisings don't plan themselves" sighed Glen.
"No they don't... We'd best be getting back now. How about we bring Tammy here tomorrow, to see you, during our free time in the evening?" Suggested Ela.
"I'd like that" smiled Appoline.
"Alright then. See you tomorrow" replied Ela.

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