Letters To No One

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'To Mummy and Daddy,
Grandma Appoline told me to write a letter whenever I want to tell you something.
So today I wanted to tell you that we moved into our new house in the victors villiage in district 12.
Katniss insisted that because my mummy was in the hunger games, she deserved a house in the victors villiage, and that even though she's gone it should belong to her family.
Grandma never liked district 13 that much, so was happy that we got to move to district 12.
I didn't really want to move, but grandma looks after me now, and she said that had to leave 13.

It is nice to be outside all the time, and have our own house, which is very big.
I miss my friends who are still in district 13.
But I know that other people who used to live in 12 will return soon, so hopefully I will have some new friends when they come back.
Love from Tammy.'

'Dear Mummy and Daddy,
Today was our first day of school.
There were enough children in 12 to start up a new school here.
My class was a lot smaller than my one in 13, but I made some friends.
I wish you had been there to walk me to school, because grandma cried when I entered the building, as she didn't want to let me go.

I was sad when you missed my birthday, but Grandma tried to make the day special for me.
Katniss gave me a dress that used to belong to her sister. It's a bit big, but I will grow into it.
Katniss is always very nice to me, since we are neighbours, and she lets me play with Buttercup the cat whenever I want.
Haymitch and Peeta also live in the victors villiage with us, and Peeta likes to teach me how to paint.
Miss you lots.
Love from Tammy.'

'To Mum and Dad,
Today marked the 5th anniversary of the day the rebels overthrew those in the Capital.
It is also the day you both died, so me and Grandma held a memorial for you in our garden, where you are burried.
Although Grandma tried to hide it from me, she spent most of the day crying, like she always does on this day.
Grandma used to tell me that you both died, so that I could live in a better world. And as I grow up, I understand that even better.
In school we learn about the hunger games, and how bad the world used to be before the rebellion.
I am proud that you fought for a better world. But that doesn't stop me from missing you like crazy.

This time of year is hard on everyone, since almost everyone knows someone who died fighting.
Katniss always gets very sad, because she lost her friend Finnick and her little sister Prim.
Sometimes I wish I had a sister, so that I had someone to play with at home.
But then I wouldn't have had you all by myself back in district 13.
As the years go by, I struggle to remember how life used to be when we lived in 13, as it was so different to how I live now.
I like it in 12, because it's so open, whereas I remember 13 always being so crowded.
Grandma says that 12 used to be a lot busier before the war, but that she doesn't think it will ever be like that again.
I miss you both so much, and I think about you every day.
Love Tammy.'

'To Mum and Dad,
Today I turned 18, and Grandma kept reminding how you had me when you were 18.
I can't imagine having a child right now, I don't even have a boyfriend.
But you two managed to create me, and raise me by yourselves.
Now that I'm older, I understand exactly how I came to be, and how we ended up in district 13.
You two left everything behind for me, and I am forever grateful.
I probably wouldn't be alive if it weren't for your determination and resourcefulness.

Mum, when you were my age you were thrown into the hunger games, and I can't even fathom having to look after myself in the wilderness and kill other children to survive.
Whenever I think about the hunger games, I am shocked that they were a real thing.
Children killing each other for the enjoyment of those in the Capital, is just wrong.
I hope that over time children don't forget that the hunger games were real, as the innocent people who died in them should never be forgotten.

Once I was old enough to really understand, Grandma told me about Tomas, and how he risked his life for you mum.
His family were all killed when district 12 was firebombed, so there is no one to really remember him.
So I will try my best to never forget him and what he did.
I have seen footage of the games, and I watched him fight. I am staggered by his bravery and selflessness.
I am proud to be named after him.

I recieved lots of nice presents today, although the alcohol I was given by Haymitch didn't taste very nice, and I don't know how he drinks so much of the stuff.
It was just a small gathering at our place, with only our neighbours as guests. So Peeta and Katniss wer3 there along with their 2 kids.
I often babysit for them when they want to go out, because I don't think they trust Haymitch, while their children are still so small.
I know I will have children someday, but I'm not thinking about it any time soon.
I will make sure that my children never forget you, or what you sacrificed for me and the future generations to come.
You and the rest of the rebels gave your lives for us, and that is something we should never forget.
I love you both with all my heart.
Yours faithfully, Tammy.'

Thank you for reading my fanfic. I'm sorry it has such a bittersweet ending, but I felt it was more in line with the tone of the original book.

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