The Last Night

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The interview was one of the most important parts of the games.
It was the last chance for the tributes to speak directly to the people of the Capital and try to win sponsors.
Each tribute had 3 minutes to show themselves in whichever light worked best for the character they were trying to portray.
Caesar Flickerman led the interviews, and he always did his best to help the tributes look good.
To prepare for the interview, Ela had spent half the day with Effie and the other half with Haymitch, learning how to conduct herself in the best way.

Jared had designed a beautiful green dress for her to wear, that reminded her of the fields back home.
Since district 12 went last, Ela had to sit nervously awaiting her turn.
Her opponants had all been coached as well as her, and they all aced their interviews.
When Ela's name was called, she was almost shaking.
Tomas had been by her side for most of their time in the Capital, and being without him made Ela anxious.
Knowing that she had to perform well if she wanted to get sponsors, Ela smiled falsely and made her way onto the stage to join Caesar.

The crowd cheered, and Ela tried to take this encouragement and use it to fight against her worries.
"So, Ela, when I saw you come out on that chariot, I couldn't quite believe my eyes. I expect we all felt the same" admitted Caesar, who was half speaking to Ela, and half speaking to the crowd.
Ela placed her hands on her belly, and nodded her head.
"Yes, I can understand why it might have shocked you. I think my own family were probably just as shocked" replied Ela, causing Caesar and the audience to laugh.
"You mean to tell me that your own family didn't know you were pregnant?" Questioned Caesar curiously.
"No. I became good at hiding my bump, as you saw during the Reaping".

"Yes, I've watched that footage a dozen times, and I still can't see any trace of your pregnancy... I take it you have a secret admirer back home then" teased Caesar.
Ela blushed the way Haymitch had told her to.
"I wouldn't exactly say secret. Everyone at home knows that the pair of us are childhood sweethearts. We've always been in love" revealed Ela.
This decloration of love caused the audience to aww.
"That is so sweet. Are we allowed to know this gentleman's name?" Asked Caesar.
Ela sighed, because she didn't really want to mention Glen, but she knew that she had no choice.
"His name is Glen Mittle. And he is  the love of my life" she answered truthfully.

"I expect he is very worried about you" said Caesar sadly.
"Yes. But he is always worried about me. I don't think he's become more worried since the Reaping" lied Ela.
"And why is that?"
"Because he knows me, and he knows what I can do. Everyone thinks that me being pregnant is a disadvantage, but it's not. My child keeps me fighting. My child makes me stronger. So don't count me out just yet"
"Oh I wouldn't dream of it"

"So, tell me. Do you and your fellow tribute get along?" Questioned Caesar.
"Of course. Tomas and I have been friends for years. We're in the same class at school you know, so we've grown up together" replied Ela, who was lying through her teeth.
She could barely recall one conversation that she'd had with Tomas before the Reaping. But Haymitch had suggested showing a united front, so that everyone knew that they were going to be teaming up, as that could mean twice the amount of sponsors.
"That's nice. We do like to see tributes from the same district, joining together" admitted Caesar.

"And I must say that you look stunning?" Caesar continued.
"Thank you, although I don't look half as good as you" replied Ela, in what she hoped came across as friendly banter.
The audience laughed, so Ela assumed that she had gotten it right.
"Oh you're too kind" said Caesar.
"I speak only the truth" lied Ela.
"That is good to hear".
A gong sounded, signalling that their time was up. And Ela hoped that she had done enough to get the citizens of the Capital to like her.

In his interview, Tomas spoke more about his and Ela's supposed friendship. He also appeared not to be concerned that the games were starting the next day.
Ela knew that this was a front, as she had seen how nervous he really was, when it was just the two of them in the apartment.
Once the interviews were over, they returned to their rooms. But neither of them could sleep.
Ela tried several times to drift off, but was never successful.
In the end she gave up and headed to the roof to get some fresh air. And when she got there she realised that she wasn't the only one with this idea.

"Couldn't sleep?" Tomas asked.
"Of course not" replied Ela as she joined him.
The sounds of cheering from the streets below made Ela angry.
"Listen to them, celebrating. If their kids where in the games too, then they wouldn't be celebrating" continued Ela coldly.
"I know. But that is never going to happen. Life isn't fair, unless you're born here" commented Tomas.
"No. Even those in better districts than ours still have to send their children to the Reaping. We're all equal in that way... Everything is going to change tomorrow".

"Yeah. But you don't need to worry, because I'm going to protect you" promised Tomas.
"I don't want you to, if you're only doing it because of what Glen said to you" admitted Ela quietly.
Tomas took hold of Ela's hand and squeezed it tight.
"I'll admit that he was a bit forceful with his words. But I would've wanted to team up with you, to keep you safe, even if he'd said nothing" revealed Tomas.
"Even if I was pregnant?"
"Yes, even then"
"Thank you... I know neither of us want to be here, but I'm glad I was paired with somone as nice as you"
"The feeling is mutual".

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