Chapter Seven: Trapped

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          Chapter Seven: Trapped

Aaron shivered again, he was pale, his body was aching, his clothes wore torn, and he was sure that he would become infected being out in the open with nothing to cover his marks. He was being kept hostage in a metal cell. This was about as close as it got to pure torture.

Aaron's brown eyes followed the creature.


Back and forth, the midnight black wolf with red eyes had been pacing.


The padding in his paws collided with the medal, making a rythmic noise. Aaron wasn't sure how long he had been out, or how long the wolf guarded his body, but he was sure that the beast never took his eyes off of Aaron, and that he would not leave his side until his owner, if he had one, called him off duty.

He and the wolf had locked gazes since he got up.

"Sean," A dark voice called. The wolf let out a whimper and looked up towards the stairs. "You can go get dressed. I got this." He said. Down the steps came a male, possibly in his 20s. He had black hair that was pasted to his head as if he just got out of the shower, or any water. He was wearing a black shirt and black pants, with a pair of black and white converse.

The wolf gave one fleeting glance at Aaron before trading spots with the man. He trotted up the steps and went through a door. Aaron could no longer see his frisky black tail.

"Hola." The man said. "Let. Me. Out." Aaron hissed through clenched teeth. "Tsk tsk, not yet. You haven't finished your transformation. When you do, and your little friend of course, you two will reunite. The Mer and the Were." He chuckled. "That's an odd relationship, but I choose to let all the puzzle peices fall into place."

Aaron figured he was speaking of Anita. "You know where she is?" He asked. "Of course. She's learning the ways of the Mer over in Coasta Plaid- the little island that everyone thought sunk last year. The only peice of land that hasn't been touched by human hands." The guy informed.

Aaron stared at him. Did that mean that he wasn't human? Was the island really still up?

"Don't worry. We Changlings will make good use of it. Back in the past, you humans wiped out our whole population of the new breed. You killed the offspring of the Mers and the Weres, so we went into hiding, but now, we have risen.  Most of us find that our mates are not full air breathers, but the enchanting creatures of the sea. We will start over, bring new life, and forget what was."

Aaron hadn't the slightest idea what he was talking about. He didn't know what a Mer or a Were was, let alone a Changling. Was he speaking of shapeshifters? Or hybrids? The mystical beings that were only real to him in books?

All he knew, was that this man said Anita was still alive, and that she was thriving on the long forgotten island of Coasta Plaid. This made him a little happy. Even if he died, she would be there, right?

"What are you?" Aaron mumbled, inching closer in the cell when the man's eyes flashed silver.

"Lamp garou."

Aaron knew that phrase all too well. It was French.



A/N: I apologize that it was short. Please comment, fan and vote. <3

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