Chapter Four: News Report

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         Chapter Four: New Report

"I mean, your supposed to be mine! How can I trust you if you let other Aaron look at me!"

For the past hour, Katy had been complaining about what she saw. His mother never came so one of the jocks gave him a shirt. Aaron thought Katy was over dramatic and too emotional but he didn't say anything as he turned to face her. First she was depressed, complaining in fake tears that he didn't love her anymore. Then she was disgusted he would do such a thing. Now she was angry, putting out that she couldn't trust him. His head was aching. If he said something, she would cut him off. If he didn't say anything, she assumed he was ignoring her. He just didn't know what to do.

"Baby, I love much. I just," She sniffled.

Here's the saddness again. He thought.

"I need to know you love me." She pulled him in for a hug. He wrapped his arms back around her. A few students stopped to stare at them. She had him pressed against the wall by the water fountain, but many just ignored them. As far as they were concerned, it was just another fight. They had been doing it all school year.

"Baby, I do." He said, feeling a bit awkward. He felt like those words were committing them for life. Aaron loved her...but he did not want her for a wife. She would chew him up and spit him out. "Say it!" She hissed. "I love you." He said, kissing her lips softly. She smiled. "You do?" She made the word last, like a girl would do when her crush said he liked her. He nodded. He placed his hands on each side of her face. "I'll always love you." Of course he was lying through his teeth, but she would completely ruin his reputation and life if he said that up front.

The bell rang, signaling school was over. Aaron took the opportunity to leave. "I got to go baby. I'll call you tonight." He slid past her body, but she wanted to give him something he would remember. She locked her arms around his neck and pulled him back. Her lips crushed against his.

He parted his lips to sigh. She thought it was for entrance. Katy slid her tongue through the space. Aaron felt their kisses were blank and dull now, she did the same thing every time. He kissed her back, giving one last kiss on her cheek before backing away and jogging down the halls. She watched as he disappeared in the groups of kids. Truthfully, she was more shocked by the kiss than he was.

I still got it. She smirked, and straightened her clothes, which consisted of a mini skirt and a shirt that showed too much cleavage.

Aaron weaved his way through the high schoolers. He ran outdoors, where some of the children were waiting for rides, or talking. The other half had vanished on the busses. He hit the button on his key chain. His red convertable lit up and clicked, drawing attention to it. Aaron hopped in the car. He wasted no time cranking it up. He was more worried about his mom than anything else. All traces of Mr. Bad boy went away. He opened the glove compartment, and pulled out the small picture. It was his dad, holding him when he was only an infant. Seven months later, he died in a car crash.

Aaron shut his eyes tightly.

"Aaron! Baby!"


He closed the picture back in the glove compartment and stared foward. Katy probably wanted another ride and he was tired of doing. He'd just take her home, wait for her to invite him in, and they would make love. He wasn't feeling up to it. He started driving off. Aaron got the feeling he would hear it from her later tonight, but family was first.


"Mom!" Aaron locked the door to his house. "Mom?" He called. "In here honey," She said. He found her on the phone in the kitchen. She was writing something down. "Okay, now may I ask, has she been showing any signs? You never know when your animal is in heat. She may has well already been covered. Horses don't usually wait for humam assistance. Many don't like the guidance of a being to tell them how to mate." She said. Aaron ignored her words after the second sentence. She was talking to a client.

He grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and trotted up the steps. He got an Asprin out of the bathroom and swallowed it down, chugging the water. Aaron went into his room and plopped down on the bed. Between worrying about his mom and Katy's never ending speeches, his head was pounding. He closed his eyes and sighed. Now, he just wanted to rest. A few minutes later, he was out like a light. Aaron's last thoughts were those of Anita. Even though she wasn't his favorite person, he couldn't help but worry. He didn't want to know that she probably died because his girlfriend was taking up for him....


"Katy, I didn't see you. I'm sorry baby." He apologized, not really meaning it as he flipped through the channels on TV. "Fine, alright Aiden, alright." She sighed through the phone.

"And tonight, we have a new Missing persons case." The TV said. Aaron stopped, and leaned closer as a picture of Anita popped on the screen. "Ill call you back baby." He hung up instantly. "Seventeen year old Anita Brown has been missing for currently six and a half hours. The father said that he hasn't seen her since she went to school this morning. Witnesses to where Anita might be found have been asked to come foward. A five hundred dollar reward will be given out to anyone who can find this poor soul. Next we have-" Aaron muted the TV.

He felt guilty, he thought she only went swimming, but the TV says otherwise. Gone for six and a half hours...something wasn't right..and they had a news report all about it.


A/N: I apologize that it was short. Please comment, fan and vote. <3

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