Chapter Twenty-One: That Love

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    Chapter Twenty-One: That Love

Hours passed by. Those hours turned into days, and those days turned to weeks. Aaron and Anita were closer than ever now. They nearly forgot about their past lives and school.

"Anita, wake up," Aaron nudged her. She groaned. "Please?" He begged.

"What's wrooong?" She asked. "I want..." He stopped mid sentence. The sun hadn't even rose yet, but that's what he wanted her for. He wanted to share a special moment. "Just get up." Aaron tugged at her hand. She groaned but he was able to pull her up. She rubbed her eyes and pushed her hair back. "Aaron. I need my sleep. You've learned this." She said.

He narrowed his eyes. "Fine!" She said, looking away from his deadly stare as she got up from the bed. He stopped her when she tried to put on her shoes. "We are on a island. There is sand everywhere. You don't need those."

Anita flushed. Why couldn't she remember that?

He led her outside of her cabin. "It's not even morning yet! Why Aaron?! Why would you do this to me?! I'm sl-" He threw a hand over her mouth to shush her. "Anita, shut up."

She relaxed. He started walking. She looked up at the sky and sped to keep up with him. "Can I tell you something?" He asked. "Sure." She mumbled.

"I've always had a crush on you."

She stopped dead in her tracks. He looked back at her. Her eyes were wide.

Aaron liked...HER? How was that possible? She was the quiet, shy, weird girl who never said anyhing to anyone. How could he have a crush on her when there was the popular Miss Perfect, Katy.

"H-How?" Anita asked. He stepped in front of her. "Because you are nice, sweet, generous, and loving. I know I am a total jerk but that was only a coverup. No one in school has ever tried to get to know the real me, but Anita, at least you made an effort. I really aporeciate that. And excuse me for coming out with this too late and out of the blue, but it was something you had to know. You had too." He said. "What about Katy?" She asked.

"I don't care about Katy."

"You are a total jerkface." Anita said after comprehending his words. A look of hurt flashed on his face, but she smiled at him. "I'm kidding." She said.


"No. The whole reason I almost died was because of you and your girlfriend. I never did anything to you, so why have you been so mean to me? How can you just automatically hate someone you never even knew?" She asked, jabbing her finger at his chest, though it did nothing what-so-ever.

He scratched his head. This was going a lot harder than he expected. He was so used to girls swooning over him by looks. He never went deep into feelings with anyone, and she was being stubborn. If it were anyone else, they would have said a simple 'I like you too.' 

Aaron had to remember she wasn't like anyone else. She was her. Sweet, perfect, her.

"I don't know.."

"Do you wanna know what I know?" She asked. He shrugged. "You can't judge a book by its' cover Aaron."

He frowned. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything."

"No, it's good you did. I never knew you felt that way." Without thinking, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a hug. Her tanktop lifted slightly, so she jumped when his cold hands touched her. They pulled apart quickly, smiling to themselves.

Aaron found a dock where he and Anita sat down looking at the shimmering water. Anita laid her head on his broad shoulder and he wrapped an arm around her. After a while of silence, Anita looked up towards the sky. She hit his chest rather roughly. "Aaron look!" She said, pointing. He followed her finger, where he saw the sun just coming up on the beautiful pink horizon.

"Is it too early to say I think I might love you?" Aaron asked with a smirk as he got up. He helped Anita up as well and they walked hand and hand back up on the dock.

"If you think that, then we have a complicated love." She chuckled.

"Nah, a love is too normal. We don't have a love."

"Mm?" She said, smiling as he put his arms around her waist. "What do we have then Mr. Davison?"

"Hmm...definitely not a love. That's too simple. No, what we have is much more exotic." He leaned towards her. "Much more special." They were only a few inches away.

"We have that love." They sealed in off with a kiss. Anita wasn't very experienced, but she watched tv shows where they kissed a lot, so she knew what to do. Their lips moved together in sync. It felt real. Aaron could never kiss Katy and get the same affect. They finally parted to catch a breath.

"I like that." She purred. He smiled. "I love you Anita."

She placed another soft kiss on lips. "I love you too, and that love we have."

As if on cue, both pressed their lips against each other to celebrate their love.

A love.

That love.


A/N: This is officially the end. <3 Please comment, fan, and vote. Bu-byeee!

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