1. Movin' Out

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Quinn made her way to her apartment after her work. Minutes later she arrived at the apartment she was sharing with her best friend Santana.

It was small with a living room, a kitchen and two bedrooms. She made her way to her bedroom and dropped her things near the door and lie on the bed.

As she was exhausted she closed her eyes when they hit the pillow.

Quinn opened her eyes as she hear a sound in her bedroom, it was Santana with the biggest smile she had ever seen.

"Why are you smiling like that? You're creeping me out." Quinn asked while she sat on the edge of the bed.

"I have news, BIG news. I'm moving this weekend out with Britt." The Latina said and somehow her smile got even bigger.

"Really" Quinn asked excited. Santana wanted this for so long.

"Yeah!!!" Then they did something they never do much often, they hugged each other.

When they parted they had both a big smile on their faces.

Meanwhile on the other side of New York, Rachel walked away from NYADA to the apartment she shared with her best friend, Kurt.

When she got there, it was alone even Kurt hasn't come home yet so she decide to sit down on the sofa and watch some TV.

She started to watch re-runs of her favorites musicals, one after the other until a voice enter the apartment yelling.

"I'm here!!" Kurt yelled when he arrived.

Rachel still on the couch watching musicals and she just said. "Hey"

"So Brittany, told me she is kinda organizing something on Friday in her apartment because Santana is moving in with her or something like that, I didn't exactly pay attention to that part and she wants us to go." He said excited while Rachel just stared at him with a blank expression.

She turned to Kurt and said. "Why are you so excited?"

"Oh nothing, and in case you say no... you are going rather you like it or not. You need to socialize more." He said sternly.

"But I.. I don't want to socialize more I'm fine the way I am" She said with a childlike tone in her voice.

"Honey, you only have me, David, Mercedes, and Tina as friends well and kinda Brittany. So you're going and I don't want to hear you complain." Kurt said while grabbing an apple and towards his bedroom.

It was Friday and Santana was moving things to Brittany's apartment, that later would be her's when they were finished, Santana Sat down in the couch and later was join by her girlfriend. 

Brittany got close to her and give Santana a kiss, she corresponded her the same way when Quinn enter. 

"Hey gurls" Quinn say. 

"Hey Quinn, so much glad you came by before the party, to see my apartment." Britt turned to Santana and continued. "Our Apartment." 

"Yes, I think it's pretty great it's good for both of you." Quinn said. 

Saturday night came here and the party  was starting, the DJ was in the tables doing music and the guests were arriving, on the other end Quinn was sitting on a bar stool drinking a Tequila while the rest of the people were dancing and talking. 

Plus she didn't like being in a big crowds or in a place full of people. Out of the sudden Rachel got to the bar, wearing a really short skirt and an argyle shirt. 

"Hey, Quinn how are you? Can I seat with you?" Rachel asked and she could only nod still amazed by Rachel. "Thank you"

"How are you doing, Rachel? I heard you finish Funny Girl and that you are going for another play." trying to make a small talk after some silence. 

"Yes, it was very great to finish the play, and I am going to audition for another play," Rachel said. "I hear that Santana and Brittany got finally together, they are so happy together, like me and Finn were a few years back." 

"Oh you were a great couple, I assure  you that, my marriage with Puck was great, until he went to the air force ." Quinn said. "That's when I moved here to New York with Santana and rent an apartment together, until this."

"Yeah I heard that Puck went over there, has he talked to you if he's coming back." Rachel said. 

"So how's your singing going, your not that arrogant teenager anymore that I knew back in Lima?" Quinn asked. 

"My singing is improved, thanks, I didn't know I was arrogant back then." Rachel said. 

"Enough talking about us, you want a drink?" Quinn asked as she gave her one glass of Tequila.

"Well, I'll better go and look for Kurt." Rachel said, as Santana was arriving. 

"Rachel Berry huh." She asked with a smirk forming on her face. 

"Yes Santana, Rachel the one we bully when we were at McKinley." Quinn said to Santana. 

"Long time no see, and when she shows up, you are moved, look at that grin in your face Quinn." Santana said with still the smirk in her face. 

"No, I don't. She is still very nice and besides, I'm pretty sure I'll never see her again" Quinn said, getting a little annoyed by Santana's question. 

"Why you so sure, you never see Berry? You can just talk to Kurt and see where she works and all" Santana said. 

"Yeah, but right now I know I'm right" Quinn said but on the inside she was getting uncertain. 

"You asked for her number?" Santana asked. 

"No, we were just talking and plus yeah I forgot to ask for it" Quinn say. 

"okay alright, I won't ask more." Santana said with a smile on her face. 

"Thank you, maybe tomorrow you can ask me more questions if you want." Quinn said relieved that the interrogation stop. 

Minutes later, Brittany comes along with them.. 

"How do you like the party so far?" Brittany said. 

"It was going amazing, but now I am more tired than to party" Quinn said. 

Brittany was going to the Microphone and she said to the guests. 

"Okay people it's time for you to go, Party is over, I'll send another invitation when another party will come." 

As the people were living Brittany got again close to Santana and Quinn. 

"Quinn, you can sleep on the couch." 

"No Britt, you don't need to do that, I'm going home," Quinn answer. 

"No, you're sleeping here." As she went to get some blankets. "It's too late" She said sternly. 

Quinn never heard Brittany speaking like that, so she accepted, the blankets from her. 

"Goodnight Quinn" Brittany and Santana said as they went to their bedroom. 

"Yeah goodnight" Quinn said.

As she was putting the blankets on the couch she began to lie down and out of the sudden Rachel's face came to her mind and Quinn began to close her eyes, dreaming about Rachel. 

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