2. An Invitation

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Next Thursday came and Quinn was dancing in the living room of her apartment when she heard her cell phone ringing.

"Hello??" She answer.

"Q? Listen, Britt and I are going to the Karaoke Bar tomorrow and you're going with us." Santana said.

"I-I can't honey? I have to-" Quinn trying to make an excuse like always does. "Plus I am not in the mood to go out."

"Nah huh, don't even try to make an excuse, I hear Brittany was inviting Rachel?" Santana said and a silence was left.

"Oh, please Santana, who say's I want to see Rach again. It's not even a week and you already want me to see her." She said with her voice full of sarcasm.

"Bitch, you didn't hear a word I said? You're going and I don't care if you don't feel feelings for her. So... see ya tomorrow and wear somethibg nice for God's sake." She said more serious.

Before Quinn could say anything, Santana already hang up. Leaving her in a deep silence Quinn took a deep breath and started to dance again.

Quinn always found Dancing and Singing an inspiration because it showed her how much you can get lost in the music and the dancing and that it get you out from the dark times.

She started Dancing at a young age, and when she was in high school she took Cheerleading and Glee Club so she can fullfill that purpose.

When Quinn finished dancing it was already nine and Quinn did some light dinner and went to sleep.

the next morning Quinn put some sneakers on and went on walking to a cafe that was near her apartment, she went walking there cause she loved just observing people walking by most of the times in a rush. 

It was common, it a big city that was New York, that's the first thing she noticed when she got there. She arrived at the cafe and went to ordered a cappuccino and some donut and she went to sit down by a table that was in the window. 

Watching the people pass by on the sidewalk when she felt someone touching her arm, she looked up and it was Rachel. 

"Hey Quinny, how are you?" Rachel asked smiling. 

"Hey Rach, I'm fine thanks for asking." She said smiling when Rachel smile widened. "How are you?"

"I'm great, thanks?" Rachel responded. "So what are you doing in this cafe.?"

"I am here grabbing a coffee, my work is actually near and every day I come and get a coffee before work." Quinn said. "What about you?" 

"NYADA, it's just a few blocks from here too, getting my morning coffee too." Rachel said. Cheerfully. 

"That's great." Quinn said, hoping that Rachel lived near. 

"You never told me, where you lived?" Quinn asked. 

"I lived far, but NYADA is near and I always like my coffee from this place." Rachel answer. 

"Oh." Quinn just say.

Then there was this awkward silence, neither one of them knew what to say. It looked like Rachel wanted to say something but nothing came out of her mouth. 

"See you around Quinn" Rachel said. 

"See you around Rach?" Quinn noticed that Rachel's smile got a little bigger. 

Then Rachel gave Quinn another big smile and walked away. 

As Quinn watched her go, she smile, getting out of the daze she was in she too got up and went back to her apartment. As soon as she got there she lie on the couch and watch TV. 

After a while, she turned off the TV and went to take a shower and went to bed, having a peaceful sleep. 

The Next morning she woke up and she started to get ready to go to work. She as usual took the subway and as soon as she was outside her apartment one of her friends came into view. 

"What's up, Q" Tina said. 

"Hey, T" She gave her a hug and a kiss, and started to walked with her. "I'm going to a Karaoke bar Tonight with Brittany and Santana do you want to come? For me not to be the third wheel" Quinn said. 

"Sure, Q, It will be fun to get out of the apartment sometimes and leave a the duties to Artie you know, and just have some girl fun." Tina was now teaching Piano to young kids. "Plus it would be fun to sing again." 

"Yeah it will be. But I never was the best singer?" Quinn said. 

"Oh no, Don't say that you were an amazing singer back then at McKinley, don't ever say that or I will beat you in a sing off" TIna said. 

Quinn continued her walk to her work calmly she had still alot of time. While Quinn walked she started to watched people passing by again. Tina was talking and talking about her students. 

Tina got to her work too, and then that leave Quinn walking by herself to work. When she got there she sat down and began to work. 

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