6. Midnight Madness

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Friday was here more quickly than expected and Quinn was more happy cause she would see again Rachel, in that moment the doorbell rang.

Quinn run to open the door and as she did, Rachel was standing there with a magical Red Dress and with her was Kurt and Karofsky.

"Hi, Girlfriend. I'm sorry we are late, I had to pick up Karofsky and the tracfic was being a bitch" Rachel said.

"Hey, Girlfriend. Hahaha don't worry when I am in a trip, Santana always gets up in my grill" Quinn said.

In that moment Sam, Blaine, Mike, Tina, Santana and Brittany came running towards Kurt and the others.

"Hey, Rachel." They all said at the same time while running towards the Living Room.

Mike and Tina with a smile on their faces, Kurt with a rather look and Karofsky was going out again to get some booze, Santana looking now bored and Brittany bouncing on her seat.

"Hey Mike, Tina, Santana, Britts, Blaine and Sam" Rachel responded to them.

As soon as the guys were seated in and everyone was waiting patiently to when this is going to start or when are they going to start.

Dave returned with booze in his hands and in the way he encounter Puck.

As soon as Dave open the door, Puck rapidly jumped in.

"The Puckster is here, you guys"

Everyone turned to see Puck and Dave emtered the door, Blaine run to help Dave with the booze and as they went to walk to the Kitchen Bar to put it there.

"My oh my, Quinn, was right when she told me you were breathtaking" Puck said after he arrived where Rachel was, she blushed and Quinn just looked at her adoringly.

"You aren't that bad yourself Noah," Rachel said still looking at Quinn.

"Or Rachel," At that Rachel looked up at her and smiled shyly. "And I think she's breathtaking herself" Quinn said looking over to Rachel and smiling when she got redder than before.

"Thank you Quinny" Rachel said after clearing her throat.

They were ready now to commence this Party Dave served the booze in cups and everyone was getting one cup.

"So Little Miss Sunshine, when are you going to sing?" Quinn said to Rachel after some time of talk and booze.

"Are you sure?" She said to Quinn with a sheepish smile.

"A VOCAL FIGHT CLUB!!!" Everyone shouted.

Rachel and Quinn just looked at each other and they smile and nod.

"Why not, we are ready" Both say.

The girls went to the Karaoke machine and close to it was Kurt and she told him that to put first this, Quinn did the same and give him another CD to put while it was her turn.

"Please do the honors, Rach?" Quinn said.

I can almost see it
That dream I'm dreaming but
There's a voice inside my head saying, you'll never reach it
Every step I'm taking
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking but...

Before she could continue, Quinn nod to Kurt and the tracks mix.

If I could only find a note to make you understand
I'd sing it softly in ypur ear and grab you by the hand
Keep it stuck inside your hand, like your favorite tune
And know my heart's a stereo that only plays for you

Oh oh oh oh oh to my stereo
Oh oh oh oh oh to my stereo

Rachel just went blank with what she juat listen Quinn sing and the entire verse she was looking at her.

I only pray you never leave me behind ( Never leave me)
Because good music can be so hard to find ( So hard to find)
I leave your hand and pull it closer to mine
Thought love was dead, but now you're changing my mind

My heart's a stereo
It beats hard for you, so listen close
Hear my thoughts in every note

Whoa oh oh

When they finished everyone was quiet and staring at them while Rachel and Quinn couldn't tear the eyes away from each other.

Both were incredible and just perfect both smile and turn to the others.

"So who's next?" Quinn asked.

As both of the girls went to get a drink Quinn was still thinking about the brunette lips as they were a few steps apart.

"Uh... What?" Quinn asked. When she notice Rachel talking.

"I asked how I was? You my dear you were incredible." Rachel said chuckling at Quinn's confused face.

"You have an amazing voice Rachel you haven't change a bit" Quinn said with a big grin in her mouth.

The others were singing and dancing and hugging and doing whatever they want.

"Hey, Rach since when Dave and Kurt are together?" Quinn asked pointing to them.

"Kurt told me that they have been together a month now, and that they had plans for the future." Rachel said.

"And what about those two?" Rachel moves the head towards Blaine and Sam.

"Oh ho, those were a little different we remember that they were close in McKinley and they became close when tbey arrived in the city." Quinn said.

It was getting close to midnight and still they kept talking about things and stuff that was interested.

"I think we need to bring them together again" Rachel said when they were outside of the building.

Pointing to all of their friends, Kurtofsky (Kurt and Dave) were hugging now, Blam (Blaine and Sam) were in a make out session just as much as Brittana (Brittany and Santana) Mike and Puck were talking abput something not interesting that made Tina yawn.

"I think you may be right" Quinn said with a smile, they went to a little place more far from their friends.

They shared a hug similar to the one in the park, after some time they pulled apart, slightly. Their faces were inches away, Quinn and Rachel were now sharing the same air.

"Rachel we should go" Kurt said and they pulled apart quickly.

"Bye, Quinny" Rachel said awkwardly.

"Bye, Rach" Quinn said too awkwardly and waved her hand a little. Then they separated ways.

Quinn went straight to her apartment, tonight everyone decided to go to their own house.

Quinn stayed up a long time thinking about her moment with Rachel. She didn't know but Rachel did the same on the other side of town.

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