11. A Faberry Wedding

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Today's the day Rachel gets married with the love of her life Lucy Quinn Fabray. So happy, she's marrying the love of her life. Finishing getting ready there was a knock on the door, as she opened it was Sam.

"Hey" Rachel said smiling.

"You look s-stunning so glad I got time to kiss you before you were all tongue tied with Quinn" He said and we laughed.

"May I ask, Are you ready?" Sam asked.

"Yes, Sam? I can't believe I'm getting married" Rachel told him.

"I'm so so happy for you Rachel, even though I remember Santana said in High School not to talk to you alone cause you will steal all the gold from me" Sam said sarcastically.

"Haha Thank you for being here Sam" Rachel said and gave him a hug.

"Alright, enough of the tears let's get you to the isle cause a pretty lady is waiting for you." He said as it was opening the doors of the room.

The doors opened and Rachel walked down the isle and there she was Quinn waiting for her.

Rachel looked at her and she was stunning as always. She smiled and Quinn smiled back as she met her in the end.

"Dear Ladies and Gentlemen we are gather here today to join Rachel Barbra Berry and Lucy Quinn Fabray in holy matrimony. Both ladies have prepared their vows so Rachel would you like to start" Burt suggested.

Rachel looked at Quinn and started.

"I remember the first time I fell in love with you. It was when we both sing 'I Feel Pretty/ Unpretty' and I couldn't help but to remember the feeling as if you were the one. Quinn I watched you for 6 and half years. I had always wonder what was going through that wonderful and brilliant mind of yours and thank God I found out because you make me smile. Quinn I know I'm not perfect and I know I can't give you much but I also so that I will never stop loving you. You kept me warm for 6 years now nad my vow to you is to keep you warm for the rest of your life. I love you Quinn and that will never change" Rachel said.

As Rachel finished her vow and Quinn started her.

"Before I met you, I was just myself, A little Bitch if you say so, scared. Yes I was scared of being me, of falling in love, but then you happened and everything change for good you made me feel safe and loved and I could never thank you enough for that. When I was at my worst who was there if it wasn't you..."

Santana from the chairs yelled.

"What the hell Fabray!! And me!! I was there first.."

"...you have literally saved my life time after time, and today it will be my turn to take care of you. To love you till the day we die. I can't imagine my days without you. I can't wait to have kids with you and watch them grow and in 20 years we'll be on a porch sitting there and watching our  grandkids play.. I know we may haveva hard time, because like you know marrige isn't easy amd life isn't easy too, but the thing I will guarantee is that no matter what I will always love you" Quinn said smiling.

As Quinn was finishing her vow she saw that Rachel had tears in her eyes she stretch a hand and clean the tears of her face.

"Why you crying my lady?" Quinn said.

"It's tears of happiness, I love you too Baby.. " Rachel said.

"I know that, and we'll be together forever and nothing will ever seperate us. We'll move to New York" Quinn said.

As they were talking Burt said

"The rings, who has the rings?"

"Here are they" Mercedes screamed running into the room.

As Mercedes came to gave the rings Sam was laughing.

"Alright, Lucy Quinn Fabray do you accept Rachel Barbra Berry as your wife in the best and the worst moments?" Burt said.

"I do"

"Rachel Barbra Berry do you accept Lucy Quinn Fabray as your wife in the best and worst moments?" Burt again repeated.

"I do"

"I with the power of the internet I declared you both Wife and Wife. You can kiss your Wife." Burt said.

Rachel and Quinn started to kiss, and everyone applaud and cheer.

The night went on with them dancing and drinking cutting the cake and throwing the bouquet.

Later that night Quinn and Rachel went to Quinn apartment and Quinn open the door for her new wife.

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