"Little Too Fast"

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You and Justin are at a club downtown just partying and feeling free. It's a Saturday night in downtown LA. You walk over to the bar and order a drink. Justin comes up and orders one too. After you down them, you hit the dance floor again. There are so many bodies writhing and swaying to the music it's intense. Other couples are around you grinding and dancing disgustingly. Justin knows you never liked that. It's annoying. People don't always need to be dancing sexually. It's gross. You've always thought that. You're dancing near the middle of the mob but not too close to the grinders. You're dancing sort of alone, Justin's a few feet away. As your eyes are entranced with the lights and sparkle, you suddenly feel hands on your hips. Then a body pushes up against you. Your heart starts racing. It must be some random creep. You turn around and it's actually Justin. "Woah, hey." You laugh. "I thought it was some creep behind me." He smiled and licked his lips. "Nope.
Then, his hands still on your hips, he moved closer to you, The front of your bodies touching, the two of you moving together. You nestle your head into Justins chest. Even over the loud music you can hear his heartbeat. He's moving his hips with yours. Your arms are around his neck. His hands slide down from your hips to your butt. Your heart beats a little faster.  Even though you're a little uncomfortable you try to overlook it and just breathe and be in the moment. Then, Justin's lips come in contact with your neck. His teeth touch you lightly, his tongue moving slowly with each kiss. It feels good but, you still feel like you're going to hell or something for this. He whispers in your ear, "You wanna get a cab and dip outta here? We can head back to my place. I'll pick up the Lambo tomorrow."
You pull away. It's too much. You're not ready, ready. Yet. You look him in the eyes, "Justin, I don't think so... Just no-not... yet. Can you take me home?"
He smiles and nods. "Of course baby, no problem, don't worry it's alright."
"Justin, I'm sorry..."
"No, it's nothin' I shouldnta tried that."
"It's alright, I'm just... I don't know."
"Let's go."
Justin takes your hand and leads you to the door after paying the tab. He opens the car door for you and helps you in. When you pull into your driveway he says again, "I'm sorry, Y/N. Really, I am." You smile and look down. You tell him it's fine and there's nothing to worry about. "We're fine, Jay. I promise." He kisses you goodnight and escorts you inside. You watch as he drives down the road, seeing his taillights fade into the darkness. When you get to your room you collapse on the bed. "Ugh." Soon enough you're asleep.

12:56 AM - Bieber Imagines CompilationWhere stories live. Discover now