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"Hurry up, Jay we're gonna miss our flight," you yell into the men's bathroom at LAX. You're tired of holding both of your suitcases and Justin's 3. He comes running out, "It's not my fault, babe, there was a huge line and I had to pee so freakin' bad." He grabs his suitcases from you and you guys run to your gate, B-12. When you get to your first class seats Justin gasps. "What-WHAT? What the hell..." You know exactly what he means. "Jus, this is how normal people fly. You should see the coach seats. It's not our fault that Pam crashed your jet... well, you're the one who let her fly it... but whatever. This is fine, everything's fine. At least we're not in coach." You walk Justin back to the 2nd class seating and he lets out a loud squeak when he sees it and then runs back to first class saying he'd take first class over coach. You sit down next to Justin in your seat. He fiddles with the movie player and eventually gets the DVD in. You lean against his shoulder as the beginning credits of 'The Sound of Music' play. Five minutes into the movie before the plane even takes off he's already sleeping. You know he hates this movie but it's all the airline was offering. You watch him as he snoozes, admiring his beauty even with a sleepy face. His eyelids flutter every once and a while, as if he's dreaming. You bring your hand up to the side of his face and trace the curves of his ear with your finger. Then, you move your hand down to his cheek, feeling the little stubble on his face. "You're amazing, my Justin." You whisper. The two of you are on your way to Quebec, Canada. Justin's mom is vacationing there with her boyfriend and she wanted you guys to go visit. When the plane lands in a layover destination, you wake Justin up quietly. "Wha-Where? Are we in the layover place thingy yet?" You laugh, "Yes Jay. We just landed in Colorado. We take a plane from here to another layover in Illinois. Then from Illinois we go to Canada but we have a border check before that." Justin moans. "That's so much walking, ughhh" You trace your fingers along his ear, "Trust me, you'll make it, baby." He smiles and gets up to grab your suitcases. You lightly give him a smack on the butt as he does so. In the new airport, you make your way to your new gate and get on the new plane. First class. After that flight you're stopped at the border. Finally, after showing passports and ID's and citizenship -Justin has dual citizenship so he has advantages- you get to Quebec and find the cottage Pattie rented out for the week. She is more than excited to see you guys. "Oh my gosh! I've missed you guys so much, how are you?!" She laughs and hugs you both. "Justin, how long are you guys staying for?"
"Probably a few days. Maybe 4 or 5. Is that alright?"
"For sure, honey." She winks at you.
You and Justin get settled into a room in the cottage that isn't very small but for some reason has rooms fit for a mouse. The time change from LA to Quebec is kind of a big difference and with it being 10 in the morning there, it's only 7 AM back home in LA. Justin and you have some snacks and settle in and visit with Pattie and her boyfriend, Tom. Then Jay tells his mom you two need a nap so she gives you some space. Justin gives you a piggyback ride to the little room you've claimed and plops you down on the bed. He flops down next to you and before you know it, the two of you are fast asleep.

12:56 AM - Bieber Imagines CompilationWhere stories live. Discover now