"Barn Date with a Twist"

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You and Justin are staying in a suite in China while he's on tour. The hotel is enormous. There's a jacuzzi in your bathroom. 2 king size beds. And a bathroom bigger than your guys' bedroom at home. The tour has been on for about a month. Justin's having a blast. You are too, it's just super exhausting. There's so much stuff to do each day with traveling in the jet from place to place and doing concerts and meet & greets. It's a dream come true but it does take from your and Justin's personal time together. He's either in the jet working with the team or at concerts performing. You don't really see him that often unless you stop at a hotel. Which is rare because you have the jet and are usually on your way to the next place. But today, you hope it will be different. He has no concerts, no meet & greets, no work, no lunch meetings, nothing is scheduled. You're hoping you'll get to spend the day with just him... and his bodyguards of course. They're always there. Wherever he is. Sometimes you wish they'd cut him a break but you do want Justin to be safe and you know that's why they're so tight about it all. Justin's in the shower while you're watching TV on the bed. The rest of the team are in their hotel rooms. It's been a busy couple of days with a jam-packed schedule for you and for Justin. You hear the shower turn off and soon Justin emerges into the room with only a towel around his waist. You smirk and throw him the shirt and sweats he had ready lying on the bed. "Thanks," he says with a smile. Then, he walks over to you and sits on the foot of your bed, still in a towel. He kisses you on the cheek. "Hey, I got nothing to do today for once. What should we do?" You look up at him and shrug. "Doesn't matter to me. We'll do whatever you want, babe." You grab his hand. It's warm and still a little damp from his shower. You make little circles with your thumb in the palm of his hand. Justin then says, "Maybe we could go find some takeout place and then come back here and finish the tour pamphlets?" You sigh, not wanting to do any work. "Baby, I don't wanna do work. I wanna spend time with you. Not doing tour stuff. Can't we just do something completely un-work-related?" He smiles and says yes. Then he gets up and goes to the bathroom to change. When he comes out he's dressed in the tee and sweats you threw at him earlier. His hair's still wet. He comes and flops down next to you on the bed. Justin brushes a piece of hair out of your eyes and smiles.
"You look amazing today."
"Shut up, Bieber."
"What! I'm not kidding. Stunning."
"I'm wearing a t-shirt and your boxers... that's not the definition of beautiful. Silly kid!"
"It doesn't matter what you wear, you're always beautiful."
You roll your eyes and Justin gives you an eyebrow wiggle along with a smirk.
You push him off the bed and laugh.
He pops his head up from down on the ground. "Hey! What was that for? I can't compliment my girl when she looks hot as fuck in simple dude underwear and a tee?" You laugh and say, "No! 'Cause I look like shit and you know it, dude." Justin climbs back on the bed and kisses your lips, getting a little too tongue-y. The taste of him is in toxicating but a little too much. You push him away with a giggle. "Whyyyyy are you being so weird?" You ask him. He smiles and tries to kiss you again but you stop his face with your hand.He reacts by licking your hand. "Eww, Jay!" You crack up and kiss him. He's irresistible.
He gets up off the bed and throws on a hoodie. "Let's go, hot stuff. We're hittin' the town."
"Are you an 80 year old man? Who says 'hitting the town' unless you're 80?" You laugh. Pulling on a pair of leggings, you ask Justin to grab your sweater from the chair. He does so and leads you out the door. When you get to the main doors of the hotel there's a huge limousine waiting outside. "Is that ours?" You exclaim. He nods and opens the door for you.
You climb in. He gets in behind you. There's two glasses of champagne and a basket of chocolates inside. "Oh my gosh, Justin. You did not do this!"
"But I did! And it's all for us. This whole day we do what we want."
You peck him on the cheek. "Thank you, baby." He smiles at you and motions for the driver to start moving.
You guys pass all sorts of buildings in downtown Hong Kong. "Where are we going?" You ask Justin. He replies with a smirk, "Surprise." You sit back and enjoy the ride. Soon, you arrive at what looks like a run down barn. "What the hell, why are we at a crappy old barn?"
"Hey, barns can be pretty!" Justin says.
You nod your head and he takes your hand and leads you inside. When you get in, there's a table in the middle of the hay covered floor. It smells of roses. Which is weird considering the fact that it's a barn. The table is covered in rose petals and a bottle of champagne sits in the middle. 2 plates sit across from eachother.Justin takes you to the table and tells you to sit. He says he'll be right back. When he returns, a band is following him with violins and other instruments. "What is this, Jay?" You smile and he says, "The best date you've ever been on, duh." This makes you laugh. Justin comes and sits down. He had organized a four course meal for the two of you. When you finish eating dinner and desserr, you're sitting there drinking champagne with Justin when he says he'll be right back. Again. He comes back carrying a small box. You know what it is. You know. He reaches the table where you're sitting and bends down and opens the box. A huge diamond ring sits cushioned on a royal blue pillow. Justin laughs nervously, "Hey, this was all planned for you. You mean the world to me, baby. I don't know what I'd do without you. You're the only person I'd wanna spend the rest of my life with. Will you marry me?" You're crying now. "Yes! Justin... yes a million times, oh my gosh. Thank you so much, baby oh my god." Justin smiles at you and kisses you. He slides the engagement ring onto your finger and kisses you again. Again, getting super into it with his tongue. But this time you don't care. You put in the same effort he does. When you both come up for air, Justin says, "April 22. That good?" You smile and kiss him again. "That's perfect."

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