"Exhaustion: Disney"

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Justin surprised you with tickets to Disney World for your third anniversary. Right now, you're in the car on your way to your hotel. It's been a long day of riding twisty
roller-coasters and spinning in teacups at Magic Kingdom. You and Justin are echausted. As you make your way back to your hotel, your legs just want to give out. Justin sees that you're tired of walking and offers to give you a piggyback ride. You gratefully hop on. He carries you all the way up to your hotel room. He lays you on the bed and goes into the bathroom to change into his pajamas. But he doesn't usually wear actual pajamas, normally he just wears a pair of briefs to bed. You love to sleep in Justin's t-shirts. Mainly because they smell like him, but also because guy shirts are way more comfortable. You're waiting in bed when Justin joins you five minutes later. He flips on the TV and then turns it off after not finding anything worthwhile to watch. Then, you hear the thermostat turn on and you feel a little chilly so you snuggle up to Justin. He's so warm. Your left hand rests on his chest, feeling it go up and down as he breathes, with your right softly caressing his hand. His hand -the one not occupied by yours- rests on your back, slowly moving up and down. His fingers lightly tickle your back. You two just lay there for a little bit talking about your day, Justin rubbing your back and you holding his hand. These are the moments you love the most. They're the most meaningful. Soon, the two of you fall asleep. When you wake up, Justin's hand is still in yours and he's looking at you with those gorgeous hazel eyes. "Good morning, babygirl."

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