Chapter 1~ Leaving

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"I promise to call and write, and if you ever need me I'll be there in a flash just like I was for your father and his father and so on nothing has to change ill still be working and helping the crown ill just be doing it from afar,"

 I said with a sigh I added 

"My darling I've left before and I've always returned haven't I" I pause as the big strong king of England nodes his head and adds

"But the last time you did it Shakspeare was still alive and writing and the country almost collapsed upon its self," he says desperate to make me change my mind 

"my darling," I took his chin into my hand and finished looking him in the eyes "you will be fine the country will be fine and I will always be available on my cell phone. my dear trust me when I say that when I come back I will be better than ever before" he nodded his head and lies it upon my chest which he can do because in high heels)  and murmurs " I love you aunt Alexandra. you've thought me more than you'll ever know." he ends with a tear running down his face, leaving is always hard I've raised all of my brother grandchildren like they were my own because in a way they were. and have I loved them, but at a point every few centuries I need a break from the palace some are longer than others, but I always come back the last time I left I was gone for so long a member of the family died and I haven't left for quite some time to avoid that mistake.

"I love you too sweet nephew, I love you too," I say with my voice breaking

still holding on he gestures for the car which was pulled up by one of the palaces chauffeurs " I love you, call me as much as you can" he says voice cracking, as the servants take my bags from all around me and loads them into the car " I love you too, Agustus. I'll see you again soon" and with that and a kiss on the head I off as I jog to the car and get in the driver says"where to your majesty?" "the airport please and step on it, " I say with a smile as the palace I start to chant to myself he's young Auggies young and will be fine with hi advisories guidances.he will LIVE, I hope.

Skip the plane ride

As the plane touches down in Seattle Washington, an announcement comes on over the loudspeaker the flight attendant says we hope you enjoyed your direct flight from England to Seattle please be safe when traveling the city as there have been many disappearances over the past weeks, and on behalf of the airline we hope you enjoy your stay, thank you" As the intercom turns off my mind starts to wonder disappearances? I wonder what happening here? my train of thought is interrupted by a tap on the shoulder by a flight attendant "miss, were deboarding and your in first class so you deboard first" "of course I'm sorry, have a good day" and with that I step off the plane and on to U.S. soil for the first time in centuries.

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