Chapter 23~ The End, And The Beginning of Something Great

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Jasper pulls me into the house and presses his lips to mine, he breaks the kiss and caresses my cheek. 

He leaves the foyer, before entering the office and shutting the door. 

I hear Jasper connect to the Bluetooth speaker in the room, the sound of soft jazz begin playing throughout the room.

I hear Jasper grab a book from the side table of the big chair. 

I snap back to the foyer, I walk back to the bedroom, where I pick up my phone and dial Jane's number.

"Hello Aunt Alex, what can I do for you?"

I chuckle into the phone, "You know that most days it's you that normally asks you that, dear" she laughs into the receiver, "I don't need anything, babe. I just wanted to say hello and see how you were."

"I'm fine, hows Harry?" she questions the last bit of the sentence rushed.

"He's good, currently being fawned over by the Cullen women at their compound."

"Good, I'm glad he's happy." shes quiet all of a sudden "I miss you... and Harry."

"I miss you too, lovey, so does Harry," I pause, "Tell you what, I'll have him call you tonight before bed."

"Good, I'd love that, thank you, Aunty Alex, I... hang on" I can hear her move the phone from her ear, I can hear what sounds like whispers from the other side of the phone, "Aunty Alex I have to go, but you'll call me late with Harry, correct?" 

"Yes I will dear, I'll talk to you later, I love you, bye dear"

"Love you too, bye." she hangs up. 

I sit down on the bed, placing the phone down next to me, I fall backward on the bed. I close my eyes and breathe.

The next few weeks are a blur. Home to the Cullens to home and then back to the Cullens. An endless cycle until Bella has her baby, which I suspect is very very soon from the look of her belly.

Sitting at the dining table on my laptop, Jasper comes out carrying Harry. "You ready," he asks motioning to me.

Nodding my head and extending my arms so he'll give me Harry. Jasper gives me the baby and grabs the bag. 

Putting harry in the car and buckling him in. The pair of us get in and I turn the car over, I look to Jasper.

"Ready?" I question 

"Mmmm, no", I narrow my eyes questioningly, he leans into me and places a kiss on my lips. "Now I'm ready,"

I laugh and pull out of the driveway.

We make our way to the Cullen home, I'm just getting out of my car when I hear a styrofoam cup drop and the contents slosh around and ono the carpet, followed by a sickening crack. The 2-second encounter seems to last a lifetime. 

Bella begins to fall, caught by Edward, I bend back to the car and tell jasper to take harry back to the house call the sitter, and then return.

He nods and kisses me quickly as he gets into the car and drives away.

In a flash, I'm in the house, and into the office acting as a makeshift delivery room. 

Both Edward and Jacob are examining her, stand against the wall because I can feel the tension in the air.

"Edward do you want any help?" I question taking a step from the wall, he nods. 

"Yes, please come help examine her?" Edward speaks and then calls to rose telling her to call Carlisle.

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