Chapter 10~ Party Time

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          As walk into the gym, I see Rose out of the corner of my eye and she waves me over. As I'm walking to where their seated a human calls me "Dr. Quinn" as I turn I see the police chief a.k.a. Bellas dad. " I've never introduced myself I'm Charlie" "Nice to meet you I'm Alexandra" just as he opens his mouth to speak the principle speaks "Please take your seats," He says over the loudspeaker." ill see you around?" Charlie asks and I good making my way the Cullens and sit next to Rose and nod my head in greeting at Emmett. The valedictorian than speaks on stage 

         "When we were five, they asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. Our answers were things like Astronaut, President or in my case, a Princess. When we were ten, they asked again. We answered rock star, cowboy or in my case, a gold medalist. But now that we've grown up, they wanted a serious answer. Well, how about this - who the hell knows? This isn't the time to make hard and fast decisions, this is the time to make mistakes. Take the wrong train and get stuck somewhere. Fall in love – a lot. Major in Philosophy because there is no way to make a career out of that. Change your mind and change it again because nothing's permanent. So make as many mistakes as you can. That way someday when they asked what we wanna be, we won't have to guess – we'll know." 

we clap and the ceremony contain we stand and clap as Edward, Alice and Jasper treck across the stage 

After the Ceremony in the Parking Lot

          As I walk out of the building I'm surrounded by the Cullen clan "Are you coming tonight?" major asks and I nod my head and speak "I must go home and change first though." Jasper nods and release my hand and get into my car to drive home

          As I walk into my closet I sit on the ground and think of what my life has become, and I find myself smiling I stand and change my clothes and walk into the garage and drive to the Cullens house. 

At the Cullens 

          I walk into the house Bella catches my eye and says "My god you steal her husband and her party, do you have any respect?" She turns on her heel and walks away I stand there for a moment flabergasted before a pixie-like voice from behind...

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          I walk into the house Bella catches my eye and says "My god you steal her husband and her party, do you have any respect?" She turns on her heel and walks away I stand there for a moment flabergasted before a pixie-like voice from behind me speaks,

           "Don't mind her, she's upset she thinks you'll steal my attention" I look at Alice and then speak "I can go change if you want or leave altogether." " No" she answers quickly " You look amazing I'm thankful someone has style and Jasper would be devastated if you left, but can we talk outside?" I nod and we walk out and sit in the step outside of the house Alice looks at me and speaks "I'm so sorry about the way I treated you, truly I am, it was childish and petty, I really hope you and I can have a relationship, and I'm sorry I blamed you. Jasper and I always knew we weren't mates and we were just a temporary thing, it was kind of the unspoken rule of our family." "Alice you'll find your mate I just know you will your too amazing not too, and I too hope we can have a relationship"  and with that, we part ways.

          As I walk deeper into the Cullens home a hand grabs my wrist and pulls me outside, onto a balcony. "What the hell?" I question as I look and see Carlisle and his grip releases from my hand, I turn my head to the left and see wolves and to the right and see Major. I walk right into his arms. I zone out in his arms and listen with little enthusiasm until one wolf yells "What damn army?" I speak first "A newborn army, which in turn means lives lost, keep up you would think that a man in love with another mans woman, would listen better." they all stare at me shocked before the wolf boy reaches his hand out and says "Jacob Black, good to meet you" I take his hand and say "Alexandra Quinn, it's my pleasure." 

        Bella fucking Swan cant resist scoffing from behind us at our handshake, Jacob ignores it and speaks "The pack will fight" Bella gasps and speaks "What, no you cant its too dangerous, Carlisle?" Carlisle looks to Jasper and he speaks "they'll give us the numbers the newborns won't even know they exist." Bella comes up to me and says "How could you, your putting ideas into their heads." I'm taken aback at the audacity of her 

             "Me, you are the reason this is happing, Bella. If you weren't here they wouldn't be having these problems don't blame me for your mistakes." As I finish I turn on my heel and try to walk inside the house, Bella, from behind me says "Sure walk away, don't face your problems." I turn to face her and speak "I'm not apart of the clan, I could drain you right here on this porch but I'm controlling myself, your welcome. So yes I am just going to walk away." I'm fuming as I walk upstairs and up to Jaspers bedroom which is filled with American civil war memorabilia and has a nice couch pushed up against the wall of windows. As the party starts to wind down and there are only a few beating hearts around that are leaving the door opens and Jasper stands in the doorway 

         "We're training tomorrow if you'd like to come?" "I'd love to if you like me there" "I'd love you there my love." I smile and open my arms to him and he closes the door with his heel and he grabs me by my hips and sits on the couch with me straddling him. I place a kiss on his nose than on his forehead then both of his cheeks and as I go to kiss his chin he takes my face in his hands and kiss me on the lips, so passionately and we kiss for what could have been hours.

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