With the drop of a vase

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The hardwood presses into my fingers, as I drag the bow across the cello.

I do it easily without true thought of what I'm doing. a way to let my mind wander.

The beginning of a vampire's life is hard, or so I thought. Not for Bella, she seemed to excel.

She was controlled and very much herself, never in my years have I seen a vampire who was so controlled and so collected.

She was a beautiful vampire as well, her hair thickened and lightened a bit, her body filled out and she grew a couple of inches.

She also had a beautiful baby, she was truly stunning. The child had her mother's eyes and her father's smile. 

She also has the whole family and the Black Pack wrapped around her finger, with only a smile.

Rose and Alice dotted over her like the princess she was, and Harry loved her.

After everything had settled, Jasper brought him to the compound and he got to hold her and the 2 of them melted hearts.

When Bella first awoke from the change she felt the full brunt of emotions and strength. 

Once shed hunted though, it's like a switch had flipped. Like watching a new person, she had truly been reborn.

She had an air of confidence around her, she held herself in a way that wed never witnessed from her. 

Bella tried to kill Jacob. She grabbed him by the neck and dragged him out of the living room and tried to rough him up a bit, following this she threw Seth into a tree, it was an eventful afternoon that thankfully didn't end in tragedy.

Snapping out of my trance as the door swings open, and Alice walks in.

She sits on the couch and tilts her head backward and she relaxes.

I turn to her as I put the bow down

"Are they at the cottage?" asking with a smile and a raised brow

She nods and hums, with a dash of a smile on her face.

I stand and walk to the couch sitting with my hands in my hair.

"Did she like it?" I question to which she replies with a nod

We sit, for hours at some point Alice wonders out, and Jasper wonders in with a baby, wrapped tightly in a blanket, cradled in his arms fast asleep.

He had her to me and sits beside me.

And together we sit and watch the sunrise his arms wrapped around me as I look from the baby to the sun, wanting to capture this moment in time forever

Life seems to flash by and before we can blink its mid-October

Renesmee is growing at an unprecedented rate.

We were worried about how she was growing and unsure about how long she was going to be with us. And this fear caused us to research everything possible, from everyone

But we always took time to truly be with her.

She was a kind and smart young girl.

She was like any other young girl.

She wanted to go on walks with her mom, and play music with her dad, she wanted to play dress-up with Alice and watch movies with the boys and cuddle with her grandparents on the couch.

But, by far her favorite part of the day was just before she left for the cottage.

we'd sit on the couch and id tell her stories about far-off lands and times before she could imagine. The whole family seemed to love to listen as well. Bella was visibly uncomfortable the whole time but let it happen because of the obvious happiness on her face.

The snows now falling, though it never sticks for long. Winter fascinated the young girl. The new landscape gave her new ways to explore.

So many days Bella, Renesmee, and Jacob would end up in the field catching snowflakes and playing before it stopped and melted, she said it seemed to disappear as fast as it arrived.

Today, however, felt different.

Like the end of peace and tranquility. It was a feeling I was unable to shake, despite the knowledge everything was fine.

I hear the stick of the door as it slides open and 3 people enter. From the couch, I can see the look on Bella's face, confusing and panic.

I rise from my place on the couch and drop in front of Renesmee checking her over. From my crouched position my face looks up to Bella.

"What happened?" These words seem to summon the whole house to the sitting room. everyone's eyes locked on the young girl.

"She's fine, it's not her" she states and an aura of ease sweeps thru the room, these words give me cause to stand and look to Bella. The emotions of the room quickly turned from panic to confusion

"Then what up," Emmett speaks from his spot behind Rosalie, his hands never leaving her arms.

"Renesmee, why don't you go play with Jake" Bella speaks with a hand or her daughters face, dismissing the pair of them from the room

"Bella," Carlisle calls from beside Esme, stepping forward a bit when he addresses her, "What's wrong?"

"I'm not sure, Irina saw us in the clearing. She had a distressed look on her face, but she left before she spoke to us." Bella speakers from beside Edward who moved from the small crowd to beside his bride.

"And your worried?" Carlisle clarifies, hoping to get more information.

"Yes, I think it was Jake that caused her not to approach," Bella says distressed

"Irina's family, it'll all work out," Esme says to everyone in the room, obviously hope to calm down everyone.

With little more chatter, the calm sweeps through the room and everyone disperses, going back to what they were doing, the subject dropped.

For the moment.


It's uncommon for immortals to feel human to get moments of true humanity, however, when we do we cherish them.

And it's hard to feel anything less than human in the presence of a child doing something they love.

It's why we all cherish the moments like the ones now. Sitting in the living room, Renesmee playing the piano with her father, a moment of purity, for a moment was right where we belong.

This moment is shattered with the drop of a vase.

A vase filled with white flowers hurtles towards the ground, it seems to move in slow-motion as we watch it slip the slice fingers and plummets the clear crystal vase shatters as it hits the ground, shards of glass filling the air and floor as it hits the hardwood. The loud crack fills the air and leaves taking with it the moment of humanity, and exposing who we truly are.

Pulled into Alice's head my mind is filled with images of Volturi, fire, and death. a vision of the future that has just been decided

How fitting the flowers are white, representing the calm, and the Volturi is red, representing the chaos to ensue

The next hours are unrecognizable from the fleeting moments of humanity.

The realization of fights to ensue, people to call on and children to defend.

We realize the only thing left to do is protect her.  

We realize we must do all we can to protect her innocence, calmness, and her life.

Our moment of humanity is gone as we prepare to gather witnesses from across the globe. All to witness her growth and save her life.

Isn't it funny how humanity can be shattered with the spilling of water and flowers.

With the drop of a vase?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2021 ⏰

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