Chapter 7: Beauty Queen

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Lights, Camera, Slut it Up!: Chapter 7: Beauty Queen

               I woke up groggy, my brain slow to comprehend my surroundings. I was back at Cole's, in his room specifically, but not in his bed. Rather, Cole and I were on the floor, swallowed by a mountain of pillows. There must have been at least twenty but I had no idea where they came from. I got flashes in the night's events but not enough to say what had actually gone down. I rolled over, my whole body covering Cole's. The feeling of skin-on-skin alerting me that we were both naked... which wasn't actually a surprise. The man under me groaned and I took the opportunity to lean down and bring our lips together, shoving my tongue into his mouth as I did so. Cole's groan turned into something more guttural has he began to kiss back.

"No better way to wake up." He smiled as I pulled back, feeling his hardening member against my ass. He ran his hands through my hair and arched his back teasingly. "Do a scene with me Nicky - I'll let you top."

I contemplated it. I actually had class today but missing one class wouldn't hurt. Besides, I had enough points racked up that I could afford to miss an assignment. "Okay." I relented, reveling in the seductive smile lighting his face.

He searched for his cell phone under all the pillows and sent off a quick text when he found it. "So your car or mine?"

"I'll drive but we need a shower first." I agreed on the condition that we showered separately. I wouldn't be able to make it through a whole shower without being tempted to touch him. Cole disagreed but I didn't care.

              An hour later we were driving down the highway, blasting the radio and singing at the top of our lungs. It was great until the studio came into view. Cole buzzed with excitement, my good mood smothered with apprehension. "Are you okay?" Cole asked when he noticed I had gone quiet.

I forced a smile, "Great." I pulled the key from the ignition and followed him inside. Just like last time I had been in this building, men and women ran around barely-dressed and crew members pushed around cameras and lighting equipment.

"Beauty queen!" Randy's voice carried through all the chaos. I resisted rolling my eyes and cringing as he approached, a wide smile beaming on his face. "Daddy is so happy you came." His eyes glinted and even in my numbed state, I didn't miss the joke I had heard hundreds of times.

I forced another smile and couldn't help but wonder why I was here. This wasn't me anymore. Despite my endless sexapades in high school, I actually liked monogamy. I craved the feeling of coming home to the same man every night - knowing that the sex is more than a stress reliever. In high school, sex was a way for me to forget the problems I faced at home. It was a temporary escape that my body craved... but all that changed after Chrystler. Sex had meant something with him and I was honestly scared that I wouldn't find that same feeling again. "It's good to be here." I mumbled instead.

Lights flashed overhead and everyone suddenly went quiet. I looked at Cole but he was too busy trying to see over the crowd that was gathering. Randy led us to the further side of the building, passing a couple currently doing missionary for the camera. I rolled my eyes then, wondering how in the hell people found that position satisfying. Then again, maybe it was different for a woman? As a man who has never fucked a woman, I was the last one to ask. "Sit here and daddy will be back in a minute." Randy ran off, quickly getting lost in the crowd. Then two women approached, holding makeup palettes and hair gel.

"Makeup?" I cocked my eyebrow at Cole who was content to sit there while the lady ran gelled fingers through his hair.

The woman in front of me smiled, "It's an honor to work on you Austin." She sat her supplies on a nearby table, "It's just so you won't appear too sweaty on camera." I never had to wear makeup at The Studio. Hell, I was even allowed to do my own hair. Despite my nerves wanting to jump clean out of my skin, I obediently allowed her to work. By the end of it, my hair was styled in a clean up-do that I often did myself, my face was lightly contoured to show off my dominant cheekbones, and eyeshadow had been applied to emphasize my smoldering stare. It actually wasn't too bad. Then the clothes were brought over and I wanted to run. I was used to leather, spandex, thongs, harnesses, and even nothing at all - but I've never worn feathers... large black wings to be exact. When I was given a black silk strip of fabric and a cock sleeve I wanted to laugh. The sleeve was clear, and when worn, would make my dick appear to have multiple silver piercings - including a clip-on Prince Albert.

Cole glanced over and his facial expression went straight to my dick. "That's going to make it hard not to come in ten seconds flat."

"You struggle with that on your own." I shot back, earning giggles from the girls.

Randy sauntered back over, giving an appreciative glance at the attire I'd yet put on. "How do you like the fallen angel wings?" The dark wings were made of luxuriant feathers and were an impressive size. They would probably skim the floor when I wore them.

"They're really nice, but don't you normally use white wings?"

Cole began to strip so I did the same, ignoring the lustrous looks of the director. "Yes, but you are a coveted angel - unattainable by most, so therefore valuable." I shrugged off the explanation and allowed the women to help me pull the wings on. They were heavier than I was expecting but they weren't a hassle either. I slipped the sleeve on after having to pump myself a few times before I was stiff enough for it to slide into place. The Prince Albert clip on pinched but the pain was arousing to me. The black silk fabric was tied around my waist and Randy looked like he was about to lose it.

              Cole and I were led on to one of the sets. Rather than the bed being covered in fluffy, cloud like material, it was a dark and seductive area. A fire flickered in a fireplace and chains hung from the stage's walls. The metal four-poster bed was covered in deep red velvet and would make a nice BDSM Dungeon - but the studio didn't shoot BDSM scenes.

"You're going to be sleeping on the bed." Randy instructed Cole. "This is Austin's layer and you're the first angel allowed to enter it." So I was the forbidden fruit? I took mental notes as Randy delineated how the scene would play out. However, I just wanted it to be over.

Cole took his place on the bed, his own set of wings perfectly framing his ass. The white silk was slightly pulled up, exposing just the very edge of his smooth pale cheeks. Randy gave a silent count down as the lights flashed overhead again. When I was given the signal I sauntered onto the stage, my bare feet barely making any noise. I climbed onto the bed with Cole, the motions making him moan as if I was actually disrupting his sleep. "You seem lost little angel." I purred as I had been instructed. Honestly, I felt like an idiot but I was just playing the part. Cole recited his lines and before I knew it, we're kissing and everything seems to fade away. It's just Cole and I again. His face is flushed with need and his hard cock is standing at full attention. I wrapped my hand around it as I untied the silk around my waist with the other. It falls away, exposing my dick with a nearly invisible sleeve. The silver studs gleam in the production lights. The camera is focused on Cole's face as I lube up his hole. I lay over his chest, our members rubbing against each other with every grind. His hands rest on my ass, his fingers kneading the muscle. He moans my name and I use the advantage to kiss him, sneaking my tongue in for good measure. Our moans and pants filled the air, the heady smell of sex filled my nose, and flashbacks of The Studio filled my mind. It was almost surreal. I never thought I would be doing porn again, but here I was, baring it all for another camera. My mouth moved from Cole's lips to his nipple and he involuntarily arched his back with the contact. I guided my dick as I pumped my hips, the Prince Albert teasing his opening. When I finally entered him, his whole body tensed at the foreign feeling. I just hoped the clip-on jewelry wouldn't come off. I held his hands as I begin to move. His muscles tightened and strained against my hold and I had to pause for a moment to keep myself from losing it at the feeling of being buried so deep in his ass. Judging by the precum flowing from his dick, Cole wasn't far behind me.

"Please let me come!" He begged, squirming to bring attention to his throbbing member. I relented, fucking his ass harder as he tried to gain friction to relieve himself. I pulled out, thankful that all the jewelry was still in place. I rubbed our members together, quickening my pace when Cole's balls tightened. When he finally came, I followed close behind, my load landing on his stomach. I smiled triumphantly, relieved that his expression mirrored my own.

Hello gothies ^_^ So what do you think of Nicky doing porn again? This story will continue to be updated every Sunday until its complete! See you all next week ♥

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