Chapter 10: Meeting Axel

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Lights, Camera, Slut it Up!: Chapter 10: Meeting Axel

               I moaned, reveling in the warmth that surrounded me. Then the smell hit me. The acrid scent filled my nose and made me gag. I lunged forward, dry heaving into the toilet. "It's okay Nicky." Maxwell rubbed my back, his voice low with exhaustion.

"I feel like shit." I barely managed to flush the toilet before collapsing back into Maxwell. I tried to lean against the tile wall, "Did we sleep in here?" My gaze took in the pillows and blanket that were now pushed to the side.

Maxwell chuckled, the noise forced. "When you weren't vomiting, you were passed out." That would explain why my mouth tasted like the inside of a garbage disposal.

I pulled my legs up to my chest and rested my chin on my knees. "Thank you Maxxie... for -"

"No thanks needed Nicky." He gathered my hanging limp hair and secured it back with a hair tie. With everything going on, I hadn't noticed how long I had allowed my hair to get. I was in desperate need of a haircut. "How about we get your mouth washed out and maybe a shower?"

"I have no objections to that." I got to my shaky legs, thankful that Maxxie's hand stayed on my arm. I was in no way study and his touch definitely helped. I rinsed my mouth and gargled with half the bottle of his mouthwash. It burned and my tongue was numb by time I was finished. Then he accompanied me in the shower, with no objections on my part of course.

              Maxwell Nettle was the epitome of human perfection. At 24, he was in the prime of his life with no ending in sight. He was tone and had enough muscle to show off his broad shoulders. It was honestly no surprise that he had amassed a loyal group of followers during his time at The Studio. He had a handsome face and it was natural that people would be curious as to what he had available below the belt. The fact that he was larger-than-average inspired many wet dreams. However, most didn't know just how well Maxwell knew how to use what he had.

              Maxwell's adept fingers ran through my hair, massaging in the shampoo. "What are you thinking so hard about?" It was his smell in a bottle... clean, yet alluring.

"You want the truth?" He nodded, his eyes alight with playfulness. "Your cock."

He laughed as he moved the shower head to rinse the lather out of my hair. "Are you always this horny in the morning?"

I turned so we were chest to chest. "It's not that I'm horny all the time," I shrugged innocently, "it's just that you're always fucking sexy."

He stared down at me, his eyes blazing with desire. "A minute ago you felt like shit and now you're talking about how sexy I am..."

He had a point. I still felt like shit, "- but sex would make it better - and swearing. Swearing always helps."

Maxxie smiled as he lathered soap in his hands and began rubbing my shoulders. "Behave." The order rolled off his tongue naturally.

"I know how to behave, but you turn me into a naughty sex freak." While I'd like to say I was joking, I wasn't. Maxxie brought out my kinky side like no one else could. Without warning, is open palm struck my ass. The loud slap was accompanied by a glorious sting. "Shit." I flinched away from him but his hold on my shoulder managed to ground me. My heart rate sped up and my cheeks instantly flushed.

"Is that what you're looking for?" His shoulders squared and I could sense the change in the air.

My back arched, "Axel Grant?"

"No." His hand caressed my jawline, the movement sensual and hot as hell. "That's 'Master' to you Austin." My whole body bristled and I was thankful when he reached around me and shut the water off. Without hesitation, he wrapped a towel around me and hoisted me over his shoulder; his bare ass was a beautiful view as he walked. With my arms trapped at my sides, I had little fight to offer... not that I would want to. "Do you remember your safe word Austin?"

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