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Lights, Camera, Slut it Up!: Epilogue: My Everything

               I looked at the line of people that filled the block and continued around the corner. I made a name for myself, and I did it with my pants on. Three years ago, I never would have thought I'd be opening my own restaurant so soon. This was what I worked my ass off for and it was hard to believe how everything fell into place. I had already given my employees my grand opening pep talk... all that was left to do was open the doors. I took a deep breath and allowed my customers in. My own family was first in line. I greeted my mother, siblings, niece, husband, and our children.

               Maxxie and I welcomed biological brothers Liam and Caleb into our home as foster children and never let them leave. We adopted them as soon as their worker gave us the green light. Their mother had been trying to get them back... at least until she figured out she wouldn't be able to get high anymore. Liam was six and Caleb was one when we signed the adoption papers a little over a year ago. As much as I loved the views from Maxxie's apartment, a single bedroom wasn't practical when we had two growing boys that depended on us. We bought a house in a great school district with five bedrooms and a large backyard. It was perfect for our little family.

               Liam grabbed my hand, his little face shining with pride. "I like your restaurant Daddy!"
"Thanks little man." I swung him into my arms, cherishing the squeal he let out. I kissed his cheek and handed him off to Maxxie, who was handing Caleb off to his mother. They were all led over to a VIP table as I continued to greet other customers.

               As the night went on, I bounced between every job I employed. I was a greeter, manager, host, chef, and dishwasher among a few others. By the end of the night, I was exhausted, exhilarated, proud, and so ready to go home. I turned out the lights and dragged myself back into the dining area. Maxxie still sat at one of the VIP tables. I leaned against his back is I reached around to kiss him. "Hi baby."
"Hey baby." He greeted back.
I smiled as my eyes landed on Liam and Caleb. They were both passed out on the booth seat with Maxxie watching over them. I smiled down at my family, finding it hard to ever imagine my life without them. I pulled Caleb into my arms while Maxxie cuddled Liam. We made our way to the car, me with my family – me with my everything.



Thank you to everyone who followed this story so far and I apologize it took me so long to finish it. Sadly, my writing tends to take a backseat to university XP Anyway, have a great night Gothies! ♥ 

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