What's happening to me?

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"Mom do I have to?" I moaned as I got out of bed.

There was no way I was going to school. Not when I felt like I was dying.

"Oh don't be such a baby!" My mom yelled as she ripped the covers off of me then proceeded to open the blinds bringing in the warm blinding sunlight. "Its just a little cold, it'll come and go just like your father. Now get your butt out of bed before I have to drag you out!"

Yup thats my mom. Unless I'm at deaths door I have to go school. God why did I have to be an honors student? Where even if you miss one day of school it's like you've missed a semester.

"Come on up and at'em! I'll be down stairs making breakfast"

So I got up and got ready. It wasnt until I got to the stairs that this "little cold" gave me a "big kick".

As soon as I lifted up my leg to walk down the stairs I lost my balance and fell all the way down to the first floor.

My mom immediately ran to my side to see if I was okay.

"Oh my gosh Nadia! Are you hurt? Is anything broken? Are you okay do I nead to call an ambulance? Tell me what you need sweetheart!"

Finally I screamed "I need you to shut up so I can speak!"

Thats when she stopped talking.

"I don't think anythings broken, I just need you to help me up."

So my mom grabbed my arm while I grabbed the railing and helped me up. That didn't help at all though, because I just fell down again. My mother was getting really mad at this point.

"Nadia, I swear if this is just a set up  for you to get out of going to school, god help me, you will be so very sorry!"

But I wasn't faking it.

"Mom, I swear I'm not faking. When I stood up I couldn't feel my right leg."

"What do you mean you couldn't feel your right leg?" My mom said as she bent down and pinched my leg. "Could you feel that?" She asked.

I shook my head which made my already ghostly white mom even more pale.

"Mom?" I asked as she just stared off into space. "Mom?" I asked again more concerened than before.

"Yes Nadia?"She finally answered.

"Whats happening to me?"

"I think you've been....touched."

Touched? What in the world does she mean by touched?! I mean here I am sitting on the floor, can't feel my right leg, and have a cold, and her only explanation is that I've been touched!

"Mom, what do you mean by touched? I mean I'm touched everyday by people. Well, I guess that is one way to spread diseases. But what do you mea-"

"Nadia stop talking." She cut me off. But not only had she cut me off she did it to talk on the phone!

"Who are you calling?!" I asked frustrated. "It better be a doctor or someone like that, because you had no right to cut me off when I was asking you a question!"

She still didn't say anything and just waited for the person on the other end of the line to pick up as she walked away from me.


Finally she turned around and looked at me. "Your father."


So I hope you all love the first chapter of my book. This is my first book that I have and am writing on wattpad so hopefully it goes really well. I just wanted to say thanks to anyone and everyone who is reading this,  so Thanks!

Anyway, I try to update a new chapter every other day. I thought I would let tou know that, that way your not complaining and saying "When is she gonna post?!" so don't worry about it. but if I am late on posting I was probably very bussy that day or I am still writing that days chapter and just need a little more time to finish it.

"Until next time!"


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