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Ok if there's anything you need to know about me is that my father is dead. He died when I was four. I mean for all I know I barely met the guy. My parents got a divorce when I was only two, then right

after that my dad left and joined the military. Then two years later my mom told me she got a call saying my dad was dead. My mom tells me the same story every year on the day he died and every year we go visit where he was buried. The reason I said I don't know if I've actually met him or not is because my mom doesn't have any pictures of me and him or any pictures of him period. Another reason is I don't even know his name and I also can't remember anything before I was five. But none of this matters now(Ok it sort of does). What matters now is that my mom is losing it.

I was about to scream my moms name for her to come back, but she came back as fast as she left, except this time she was carrying a pair of old crutches we have and talking on the phone who I am really hoping is a doctor and not actually my dead dad.

"Well she's been complaining about a small cold for about three days now, but today she woke up sweating and complaing about a headache. Then when she started to walk down the stairs she just fell down them and when she stopped falling she told me that she couldn't feel her right leg. I'm worried that she's been touched." My  mom rambled into the phone as I got up on my own and went to go sit on the couch.

Then just as I sat down a tall man appeared right front of me dressed in leather and metal.

"Aaaaaahhhhh" I screamed not knowing what to do considering I could barely get up on my own. "Who are you? What are you doing here? MOM!"

"Oh thank goodness your here." My mom said as she walked in. "I was wondering when you would get here. But here you are not looking like you've aged a day."

The man smiled and stared at my mother before finally saying, "It's nice seeing you again too Erica."

Erica! Who's Erica! My moms name is Carrie.

"Um excuse me." I said to the man. "My mothers name is Carrie and who exactly are you."

"Oh boy this is going to be hard to explain." My mom said as she sat down pinching the brigde of her nose. "Well Nadia, we have alot to explain to you. But to sum it up your life has pretty much been one big lie, but before you say anything you'll regret your father only did it to protect you."

What did I just hear the woman I've known my whole life say? Did she just say that my life has been a lie. And what is this about my father protecting me, because there is no way, not in a million years my mom would ever help my dad with something. Atleast thats the impression I get whenever she talks about him. But once again, who is this man in my living room?!

"Nadia are you alright?"the man asked. I guess I had been just sitting there for to long thinking.

"Ya I'm fine, just thinking."after that there was a moment of silence and the man sat down next to me on the couch and that's when I decided that it was my turn talk and ask some questions.

"So." I started off. "I believe I deserve some answers, from both of you."

"Like what?" The man said.

"Well for one, who are, why are you here, and what do you mean by touched?"

"Those are all very good questions Nadia. They are also simple to answer but not here and not now"

"Why not?" I asked as he grabbed my mothers arm and mine.

"Because your not safe here and we need to get out of here."

"Wait whe-" But before I could finish my sentence I was blinded by a wight light. I didn't know what was happening but as soon as I opened my eyes I knew that we weren't in Kansas anymore.

All around me there were wheels of gold and in front of me there was a big man dressed in golden armor.

"Welcome to Asgard Princess Natalia."


Ohhh. What has happened to Nadia? Don't worry you will find out soon enough. But she still doesn't know who the man is that came to get her and her mom. Well atleast one thing was revealed in this chapter. And that is that Nadia Evans is actually Princess Natalia. How exciting!

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Make sure to vote and comment if you have any questions. Just a heads up I am thinking of starting another book. It's either going to be an avenger fanfiction or it will be about werewolfs. I am still deciding but I am also going to wait a while to start it that way I can focus on this book and see how it's going. Can't wait to see what you guys think of this chapter and also help me out by choosing which type of book I should do next.

"Until next time."


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