Bombs (Loki's p.o.v)

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I was lying on the bed in my cell when I heard a faint bomb sound and the room shook. There was another boom but this one was a little closer than the last. The sirens starting going off to signal that we were under attack.

All I could think of after the second bomb was Natalia. I had to get to her.

I walked over to the window and started banging on the glass. "Let me out." I screamed. "Guards! Let me out this instant!"

One guard stopped in front of the cell and said, "I'm sorry your highness, but we are under orders of the king to not let you out until further notice." Then ran off.

I banged my fist on the glass again then started pacing around the cell. All the guards were running to their stations and two of them were starting to shut the doors to the dungeons. They were almost done shutting them when I heard Frigga's yelling at them to hold the doors open.

I ran back to the glass and saw mother run through the doors carrying Fenrir. Behind her were three guards and one of them was carrying something. I couldn't tell what he was carrying, but as soon as hey got closer I noticed a hand dangling. It was wearing an arrow bracelet.

"Natalia!" I screamed as my hands met the cold glass.

Frigga used her magic to open the cell and entered along with the guard caring Natalia, while the other two stayed outside the cell.

The guard laid Natalia down on the small then went and stood with the other two.

Immediately, I ran to her side and knelt beside the bed. I held her hand. It was so cold and her heartbeat was weak. She was dying.

"How is she mother?"

"Not good. I will do everything I can to slow it down. But no matter what, we will need Hela."

"I know mother, just let me think."

I got up and turned around then noticed that something had fallen on the floor. It was a piece of parchment Natalia had been holding. I unfolded it then started to read. It was a note from Sigyn.

I continued to read the note and felt a tear slip down my cheek. So she chose to die, to save our daughter.

I looked up at Frigga, suddenly realizing what I had to do.

"I'll be back. Look after Natalia!" I screamed as I ran out of the cell.

Running towards the secret door, I mustered up as much power as I could and knocked it down. I did the same with the other three doors until I arrived in the same empty room as before.

Out breath from running, I stood there for a second until it came back.

"Hela!" I screamed.

"He's here isn't he?" She whispered.

There wasn't enough light, so using the last bit of magic I had left, I conjured up a ball of light.

Hela was crouched in a corner of the cell. Her arms were wrapped around her knees, as she held them close to her chest. Her hair covered her face and she was shaking.

Carefully, I walked closer to the cell. "Hela? Is something wrong?"

She started to shake even more. "He's going to kill me. I didn't kill her when I had the chance, so he's going to kill me. He's come here to finish her off, and then do the same to me." Hela was suddenly standing in front of me. "You have to get me out of here." She pleaded.

I looked at her confused. For once, Hela was scared.

"But Hela, you can't be killed, you can't be killed."

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