Dinner With the Royal Family

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"Oh my." Frigga almost fainted when she saw me walk into the dining hall. "You look beutiful darling" Then she got up and walked towards me. She grabbed my hand and helped me over to the table.

I could understand why she said I looked beutiful, because for the first time in a long time, I felt beutiful. I was wearing a long emerald green dress with golden accents, with the same color silk scarf around my arms, and what Loki decided to add, golden armor braclets that went from my wrists to just below my elbow. Then my hair was like it normally is, straight, except this time I took two strands of my from the front, and braided them, then tied them behind my head.

Then I noticed that there were four more people at the table tonight. Right when they noticed that I was looking at them they got up, looked towards me, put thier right arm across their chest, and bowed.

Then Thor got up and walked towards me. "Nadia, I would like to introduce you to Lady Sif and The Warriors Three. Also my friends." He pointed to a big man with a long red beard, "That is Volstagg." to an asian looking man, "That is Hogun." and finally to a very handsome man with blond hair, "And that is Fandral. Then of course I am sure you know which one is Lady Sif."

"It is pleasure to finally meet you my princess." said Frandal as he stepped forward, grabbed my hand, and kissed the back of it. I was probably blushing like crazy, becuase I could feel my face getting warmer after he kissed my hand. Fandral stepped back and stood with the others.

Meanwhile I just stood there staring at them like an idiot. In school and during my free time I used to read so much about The Warriors Three and Sif. I Loved to read about the adventures that The Warriors Three went on and all the challenges Sif had to face to prove that she could be a female warrior. The stories always took me to another world, a world where I felt like I could do anything. But I had always assumed they were as they were, a myth, and nothing more. Boy was I wrong.

Then my leg gave out nd I almost fell to the floor. "Nadia!" Loki had caught me. Then he picked me up and carried me over to my seat and set me down then sat down beside me. After that I just started giggling. Then everyone looked at me really weird until Odin said, "What is so funny?"

"Nothing." I said, "It's just that everytime I try to eat with you guys something bad always happens."

"Oh." Odin looked like he felt a little dumb after I said that. "Anyway, let's go ahead and start dinner." He then clapped his hands and nine sevants came out with covered plates, sat them in front of us, took the lid off, then walked away.

When I looked down at my plate I saw what I guess was a type of asagrdian steak, salad, cheese, and some fruit. It all looked so delicious, and then I relized that I really hadn't eaten anything since the night before I met Loki. I was going to wait and see if they did anything special before they eat or if Odin had to say something but when I looked up from my plate I saw Volstagg already shoving food in his face. So I cut myself a piece of steak and popped it in my mouth.

Oh. My. Gosh.

It was the best thing ever. I mean I have never eaten anything like thisback in Kansas. And I thought my mom's steak was good.

In the middle of my chewing Loki leaned over and said, "So, do you like the food?"

Like it? I loved it! I quickly swallowed and said, "It's amazing. I've never tasted anything like this before."

"Erica told me that your favorite midgardian food wa steak and salad. So I had the cook prepare it, but with our asgardian taste."

"Well I dont know what he did to it, but it's delicious. Thankyou."

"Your welcome." Loki said before going back to eating.

I was getting really thirsty so I grabbed my cup (It was actually more of a golden goblet) and was about to take a drink but then I noticed it was a dark red color.

"What is this?" I asked.

"Why it's only the finest rum in all of Asgard!" Thor boomed.

I pushed the drink away from me and everyone looked at me like I was crazy.

"I'm sorry but I don't drink." I said. I looked at Odin who looked like he was about to say somethingabout me not drinking but before he could say anything Frigga him and said "That's quit alright dear. Would you like some water instead?"

"Yes please."

Then a servant came out with another golden goblet with water in it and set it in front of me.

"Thank you." The servant just gave me a sad smile then walked out of the hall 'What was that about? Dooes't anyone ever thank them' I thought to myself.

After that the rest of the night flew by. We ate and talked. They asked me a lot of questions about myself and Midgard. Then at some point I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know I'm lying in bed and Loki is puling the blankets over me.

I pretended to be asleep while he did it but then he did something very unexpected. He kissed me on the forehead.

After that he started walking towards the door, but I sat up and called for him to come back.


I didn't even relize i had done it until he turned around and looked at me.

"Ah. So you are awake. I thought so but I decided to play along and put you to bed myself." Loki said.

"You kissed me." I said bluntly while staring into his emrald eyes.

"Yes. So?"

"It's just, I realized I have never been kissed before. My mo- I mean Erica never kissed me. So I guess I'm not exactly used to being kissed."

Loki just chuckled and came and sat down on the end of the bed. " Well, I suppose that I should be lucky that I am the first person to ever give you a kiss." 'Atleast one that you remember' Loki mumbled under his breath.

"What was that?"

"Oh nothing, just a tickle in my throat." Loki quickly tried to recover. "But to make up for all those years of not putting you to bed and kissing you goodnight I shall do it every night from now on."

I giggled at that "Well eventually I will be to old for that." I tried to explain.

Loki just lookedd at me with a sad yet happy smile. " You will never be to old for my love, my darling Natalia."

Then Loki got back up, tucked me back in, and once again said goodnight then kissed me on the forehead.

He started to leave but quickly turned around and asked. "Would you like to go on a trail ride tomorrow and explore the kingdom?"

I immediatly perked up at that. A trail ride? Oh how i would love to go on a trail ride. I absolutly love horses and to go horseback riding in Asgard would be a dream come true. (Litterally, I once had a dream about riding in Asgard)

"I would love to." I said calmly, while in the inside I was really screaming and jumping for joy.

"Good." Loki nodded his head, "Then maybe tomorrow you can tell me about what you promised me."

And with that he walked out of the room leaving me alone. I squeled with excitment then closed my eyes and fell fast asleep. Only to have another nightmare again.


I am s sorry I haven't written in forever! It's just school and horseback riding and violin and ugh! Everything just gets in the way. So I apologize once again. But I will try to update every week from now on. Chances are I would update on a friday or on a weekend so stay tuned because Imight just have one or two more chapters this weekend.

"Until next time"


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