What am I going to do? (Loki's p.o.v)

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"I'm worried about her, mother." I said "I mean she looks like she's taking eveything well but for all I know she could be scared in the inside and if she is she is hiding it very well."

"Loki, please sit down. You've been pacing like that for almost an hour now. I'm starting to see a canyon forming in the floor." Frigga sarcastically replied.

"I'm sorry mother." I said as I sat down. "I am just so worried that we won't be able to save her. Your herbs are working though. She is recovering from that last affect faster than we thought. But what if there comes a time where a little bit of herbs and magic cant help? What will we do then? I think we should just keep her in bed until we can find Hela and fix this."

Frigga began to chuckle. "Oh Loki. You cant just put a child in bed and expect them to stay there forever. Trust me, I've tried. And your brother Thor and the warriors three plus most of Asgards guards are looking hard for Hela. We will find her Loki, and we will save Natalia. I promise."

I stood back up and continued to pace back and forth again. "Then what do you recomend I do mother?" I asked.

"Well for one, dont make her stay in bed. But how about tomorrow you take her out for a ride around the kingdom. Now I dont mean a carrige ride or anything like that, I mean a trail ride. I bet you she will enjoy it." Frigga said.

"A trail ride? What makes you think that she rides horses?" Loki asked.

"I asked Erica." Frigga said as she got up to leave. "Apparently she is a very good rider. She's been riding since she was six and competes in what they call horse shows. They compete for ribbons and she clearly has alot of them from the way that Erica described her room. She said it was full of ribbons, that they hung on every wall. I'm thinking of doing the same thing for her room here. Now just ask her during dinner and see what she says." With that Frigga left but then popped her head back in again to say one last thing.

"Also, have her try standing up and walk around a little. She might have regained some use of her leg." Finally she left.

I stood there for another minute trying to take in what Frigga had just said. Could there really be that much that he didn't know about his own daughter?

Loki left a little while after Frigga did to go tell Nadia that dinner was ready. On his way there he was thinking of what to ask Nadia about herself when all of the sudden he heard a scream come from Nadia's chambers

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