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Smiling I looked up at Loki and Frigga to see them smiling back. Then Loki entered the stall with Frigga following behind him and he knelt down beside me while we both watched the mare clean up the foal and trying to get it to stand up.

"What do you think?" He asked.

"I think it's amazing." I said. "Not once, out of my six and a half years of riding, have I witnessed the birth of one of my favorite animals."

The foal had finally managed to stand up and started walking towards us. When he got to us he nudged his muzzle into my stomach and started sniffing me all over.

Once he got to know me he layed down in my lap like a dog. It was so nice. I stroked his mane and then I started to notice that the mare was getting back down on the ground. But instead of keeping her head up, she layed all the way down and I started to notice her breathing was getting slower.

"Dad what's happening to her? She's not breathing well." I asked Loki worriedly.

He looked at the mare then picked me up with the foal still in my lap and put me back in the wheelchair, while Frigga started to push me away from the stall.

I knew what Loki was going to do. All I could think of was the poor foal having to live without it mother, and there was no way the father would care for it (wherever he was).

 Then I felt a sharp pain in my chest and it was almost hard to breath.

Frigga noticed and screamed for Loki. He then came running out of the stall, carrying a bloody sword, which he dropped when he saw what was going on.

He ran over to me and knelt down in front of me with his hands on my shoulders. "It's alright Nadia. This is only happening because a part of you was connected to her so you felt her die. Thiswill happen to you whenever you're around an animal that dies since your the goddess of nature."

Whoa! Hold the phone, I'm the goddess of nature? That is so cool!

"It only feel worse than usual because of the touch, but just give it a minute and it will wear off."

Loki was right, it started to wear off after about a minute, and it didn't hurt as much. I took a couple deep breaths to get rid of the last of it, but still had a small headache that would be gone in a little while. Then I looked down at the foal who was staring up at me with sad eyes. For some reason, that I can't explain (maybe it was the fact that I'm the goddess of freaking nature!), I knew that he knew what was happening.

As I stared into the foals eyes Frigga started talking. "Well, it looks like you two share a deep connection for eachother, and now that his mother is gone he will need someone to take care of him and love him. Also someone to train him for when he's older."

I looked up at Frigga and so did the foal. Is she about to say what I think.

"He's all yours Nadia. I figured you might need atleast someone who understood you as a friend. And who better than someone else who doesn't know much of what's going on."

"Oh thankyou, thankyou, thankyou grandmother!" I said as she hugged me.

"You're welcome sweetheart. I will take him to a stall and make sure he is taken care of while you two go on your ride." She said as she picked him up out of my lap. I was a little reluctant to let him go, but I really wanted to go on a trail ride.

"Wait!" I said as Frigg started to walk away. "Does he have a name?"

"Well I think that should be your decision, since he is yours." She said.

I thought about that for a second. Then I said the name I have always wanted to name my horse when I get. "Sleipnir."


OMG!!! Isn't the little baby Sleipnir that I found just adorable! Ok, so any way it is finally spring break and I finally have more time to update so expect atleast 2 or 3 more chapters. YAY!

"Until next time!"


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