Kisses (Loki's p.o.v)

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The night was going perfectly.

Everyone was laughing and having a good time. The only incident was Nadia's leg giving out on her.

We were all laughing at a joke Thor just told when I looked over at Nadia and saw that she was asleep on my shoulder. It felt wierd but at the same time it felt good. I guess I was finally getting the first effects of being a parent.

"I am sorry to have to leave so soon," I said as I got up from my seat and picked up Nadia. "But it seems Nadia has fallen asleep and I think she would sleep better in her bed."

"Alright Loki." Mother said " Just be carefull while caring her, I don't want to have to treat a concussion too."

"I will mother. Good night."

"Goodnight Loki." Everyone said as i left with to take Nadia to her room.

When we got to her chambers I used my magic to change her into her nightgown then put her in bed and tucked her in. After that was all done I gave her a kiss on the forehead. I didn't even know why I did it, but I did.

I was about to leave but then I heard Nadia call my name.


I turned around to see her sitting up in bed staring at me. Then I said " Ah so you are awake. I thought so but I decided to play along and put you to bed myself."

Then she started asking me why I kissed her and that she had never been kissed before. Although when she was litte and still with her mother and I we would always kiss her good night . But since she remembers none of that, I made a promise to do it everynight.

Once we were done talking. I started to walk out again but then realized that I never asked her if she wanted to go on a trail ride tomorrow. So I turned around again and said "Would you like to go on a trail ride tomorrow and explore the Kingdom?"

I could tell that she was about to burst with excitment but held it in and calmly said "I would love to."

So once I got my answer I left the her chambers and shut the door. Although as soon as I stepped out of the room I could have sworn I heard a squel come from the other side of the door. I just smiled and walked back to my chambers, where I started thinking of questions I was going to ask Nadia.

I needed to get to know my daughter.


I told you I would update atleast twice this week. So I hope you like this chapter in Loki point of view also.

"Until next time."


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