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Loki andI probably sat there for five to ten minutes not saying a word and thinking about what had just happened. Finally Loki pried me off of him and looked at me and out of nowhere said "Your as beutiful as your mother was." Then he pushed a loose strand of hair out of my face. "Why don't you go ahead and get ready, I have a big day planned. One of the maids has already set out an outfit for you to wear, that's on the vanity Once your done getting ready you can meet me in the garden and we will head to the stables." Then he got up and walked away.

I got up a little while afterwards but as soon as I was standing even with my crutches I fell down.

"Dad!" I screamed hoping, Loki or someone would respond to my cry for help.

I heard footsteps running down the hall and then into my room. I was expecting Loki but when I looked up I saw Sif.

"Seems like someone's gotten themself in trouble." She said as she looked down at me smirking.

"Ha ha. Very funny Sif. Now could you please help me up an maybe get me a wheelchair or something?" I asked. "I think I have now lost the use of my left leg too."

"Okay." She said as she helped me up and set me on the bed. "Stay right there. I'll go get a wheelchair."

"Where do I have to go." I half laughed and yelled at her as she ran out of the room.

I sat there for about two minutes and was already bored. I looked over at the vanity to see my outfit hanging on the chair in front of the vanity. All I was concerned about was whether it was a dress or not. From what I could tell, it was blue with a bit of turquoise mixed in. In fact it was the same color as my favorite shirt, I had back on Midgard. Loki probably had someone make this after he asked Erica what colors I like. Does he not know anything about me?

Finally after sitting for another five minutes, Sif came back with a wheelchair.

"Sorry it took so long. I had to ask your grandmother where she was hiding it. She was keeping it incase you lost use of both of your legs."

"Thanks Sif." I said as I hopped into the wheelchair then rolled myself over to the dresser and grabbed my outfit then headed to the bathroom. Once I got into the bathroom I took a good look at my outfit. It was exactly like Sifs armor except turquoise blue, with black leather pants, and black with silver armor riding boots(thank goodness it wasn't a dress!). It was also simple, which is my kind of style.


I finished getting ready, and then with Sifs help we went to the garden.

Loki was already there, sitting under an apple tree reading.

He looked up when he heard us talking and walked up to us. He had to look even more down when he started talking to me(which I really didn't like 'cause I felt like a toddler again) "Are you ride to ride." He asked me.

I looked up at him, squinting from the midday sun, and said "Ready to fly." with a big smile.

He looked at me confused and then I said "It's something my friends and I do before we ride."

He just nodded and went behind me, then started pushing the wheelchair towards the stables. By then Sif was already gone.

We got there and went inside. It was the most beutiful stable I had ever seen. There were horses every where! Outside in the fields, all around soldiers were riding them, and there was one every stall. I have to say there was more than a thousand horses inside the stables alone, plus mabye another thousand outside!

Loki pushed me over to two already tacked up horses. One was blinding white and the other one was a beutiful chestnut with a white star on it's face.

Loki motioned to the white one and said "This is Astrid." Then to the chestnut "And this is Calder."

"Which one am I riding?" I asked.

"Which ever one you want. Althought it looks like Calder has taken a liking to you." What Loki said was true, because Calder was nudging me and rubbing his muzzle against me. It was almost like he was saying "Pick me! Pick me!"

I laughed and said "Of course I'll ride you Calder."

"So I guess I get Astrid." Loki said, stroking her mane. "But before we ride Frigga told me that she has a suprise for you."

He started pushing me again then we stopped a little further down the row of stalls we were in. We finally stopped in front of an open stall. Loki brought me right up to the door and I stared in aw. I was about to witness a foal birth.

There was a beutiful gray mare lying right in front of me. She looked like she was in so much pain. I got out of the wheelchair carefully, trying not to spook her. I sat beside her and stroked her mane and face while saying "Shh. Your doing fine. He's almost out. Just a little bit longer. You can do it."

I kept whispering these words over and over to her while looking back to make sure there was some progress.

Finally I was able to see the hooves.

"I can see the hooves! He's almost here!" I said excitedly to her.

I looked back again to see more of the foal coming out. After the first two hooves came out I expected the the stomach to start coming out. But instead another pair of hooves came out, then the stomach.

I lookedd at it so confused then noticed the mare was starting to get uneasy again and I continued to whisper soft things to her while I was still staring at the foal coming out.

Finally after a good ten minutes the foal was all the way out. It was a a sort of dark grey color with darker patches throughout its body, with a beutiful black mane and tail, and finally four white socks.

The only thing different about the foal, was that he had eight legs.


Ok , so I know what your thinking. I am terrible at keeping promises. But I have a very good and resonable excuse. At school we are getting ready for highschool and enrolling for it and ugh! There is just so much stuff to do. But anyway here is your guys update.

By the way I hope you guys know who the horse is if you have read norse mythology. But if you haven't i totally recomend it. But if you do know who he is I just anted to tell you that he is in no way connected to Loki. I will be explaingin why he has eight legs in maybe the next chapter or a couple chapters later.

"Until next time!"


P.S. I can not get Kelly Clarksons song Heartbeat Song out of my head. Good song. Go check it out. Listening to it now.

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