Baby Steps

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"He thinks he can protect you, does he?" Said a voice in the distance.

"Who's there?" I asked.

"You will find out soon enough my darling." The voice replied from the dark. "I will find you. Loki will never be able to protect you. Not when i have the advantage." The voice soundeed male, but not like someone I knew.

Then another voice appeared that was female and said, "With one touch, you die!" And at that moment a hand reached out from the darkness and grabbed me by my neck.


I woke up startled and breathing heavily. It took a couple seconds for me to realize that it was just a dream. But then why did it feel so real? My hand reached for my neck and startedd rubbing it up and down. I could still feel the ghostly touch of the hand around my neck and hear the voices repeating themselves in my head.

Next thing I know Loki had ran into my room looking worried. I guess I must have screamed when I woke up, because the first thing he said was, "Are you alright? I heard you scream and thought you were being attacked."

"Ya." I said, "I'm fine. Just a bad dream." And that seemed to make him relax a little. But it wasn't just a bad dream, it felt more like a warning. I had to tell him. Instead I decided to keep it to myself and asked, "Is dinner ready?"

"Yes, in fact I was just on my way to tell you until I heard you scream then I ran down here to see if you were alright."

"Okay. Well then could you hand me my crutches so I could get up and get ready. I must look like a mess."

"Actually," He said, "I was going to see if you could walk a little on your own since Frigga gave you some more of those herbs."

"Um...I guess I could it a try. But if I fall, promise you'll catch me?"

When I said that, Loki looked at me with a far off look in his eyes. It was almost like he was recalling a memory.


(Loki's p.o.v)

Right after Nadia had said that I started to recall one of my worst memories. In fact what Nadia had just said was the last thing I had said to her before I left her.

"Natalia, I promise that we will see eacother again. But util then I promise that if you are ever in danger, or hurt, or fall down in any way, I will always be there to catch you when you fall."

With that I left and never said anything to Nadia again, until now.


(Nadia's p.o.v)

I was starting to grow worried until finally Loki's focus was back on me. "I promise." He said as he knelt down to my level.(He's like a foot taller than me)

So I slowly made my way off of the bed until I felt the tips of my toes touch the floor. Then I let go of the bed and stood on the floor(I then realized that I was wearing a nightgown. I'm not very fond of dress's)

"Yay! You can stand!" Loki said excitedly. "Now try to walk."

I knew I shouldn't have taken such a big step at first, but I did it anyway, and if it wasn't for Loki being there to catch I would have fallen.

"Thanks." I said embarrisingly while looking up at him.

Then he helped me find my balance again and I sarted taking small baby steps. I managed to get all the way to the dresser(which is actually pretty far from the bed since the room is huge)with the small steps, and then I started bigger steps and walked back to Loki. The only problem was a slight limp since I could just barely feel my leg.

"Congratulations." Loki said, "Now let's see if you can get all the way to the dining hall without falling." with a smirk.

"Is that a challenge?" I asked.

"I suppose it could be inturpretted as one."

"Good." I said with a smile on my face. "'Cause i never back down from a challenge."

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