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"phil i don't think this is the best idea."

"of course you don't sweetheart and that's exactly why we're doing it."

"you're such an idiot. why am i even with you anyway? like i don't have to put up with you and your insane behavior so why do i?"

"mmmm babe i wonder the same thing all of the time. so why do you? it's been like 9 months of you dealing with my insanity. why don't you just leave me?" phil asks in a suggestive tone grabbing my waist, stopping me, and bringing me closer to him until we stand chest to chest. "i think it's because you love me too much? i'm just too goddamn lovable."

"philip michael lester how dare you use that language especially where we are."
i chastise in a playful voice. "and maybe you are right. i guess i do love you a little bit."

"oh yea?"


"only a little bit?"

"maybe less than that."

"i call your bluff."

"oh really?"


"hmmm well i hate to disappoint lester but i think you're just plain wr-"

i feel his beautiful soft lips, that i've grown used to but could never tire of, cut me off.

"okay okay maybe you're right. i love you a tad more than a little bit." i mumble against his lips.

i watch as one of his perfectly shaped eyebrows raise and squeal as i feel him give my backside a squeeze.

"okay fine! yes i love you. i love you a lot."

"good." he chuckles against my lips "because i love you a lot too. now let's go inside yea?"

he grabs my hand and tugs me with him towards the ever so familiar church building.

"i get that going to where we first met for our one year anniversary is sweet and all but thank god it's empty or i'd never let you talk me into this."

" thank god? are we still doing that?" he teases "besides i doubt that babe. we both know you'd let me talk you into anything."

i mummble in protest even though we both know he's right.

i'd follow him to the end of the earth if he asked me too.

he just smiles down at me.

i look up at him. my boyfriend. my love. my best friend. the man that helped me finally realize who i am. i look at his high cheekbones. his strong jaw and plump lips. his soft hair and beautiful eyes.

when i look at him all i feel is butterflies.

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