Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

‘Why the confused face?’ Niall asked as I watched Louis leave.

‘Who’s Eleanor?’ I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

‘Oh, you don’t know? Eleanor is Louis’ girlfriend.’ Niall relaxed but I did the opposite. Louis had a girlfriend? Why didn’t he tell me? It’s not like it makes a difference, he would never want me anyway, but this banished the little hope that I previously had. ‘They’ve been together ages now.’

‘Oh right…’ I trailed off, twiddling my thumbs. Niall took my hands and forced me to look at him. He cocked an eyebrow at me before realisation took over his facial expression. He smiled weakly at me and mouthed “Come” as he got up. I followed him out of the living room and into his bedroom where I slept last night.

‘So you like him?’ Niall got straight to the point.

‘I dunno… I guess… kinda… maybe… ugh… yeah…’ I didn’t know what to say. I mean, I did like him, but he has a girlfriend who was almost definatly funnier, prettier and nicer than me so why would he pick me? Niall came over and sat next to me on the bed. He drew small circles on my back, relaxing the tense muscles.

‘Honestly, they have been having trouble lately.’ He spoke softly, with the kind of voice you may use at the side of a hospital bed. It aggravated me to think that Niall felt pity for me but at the moment I can’t be bothered to tell him off.

‘That’s not good…’ I mumble. Even if I did like Louis I didn’t want him to be unhappy. An unhappy relationship causes an unhappy life, and I speak from experience.

‘No, not for him and Ellie. But it’s great for you.’ He smirked at his shoes.

‘Why?’ I looked up at him and he looked at me. We were mere inches away from each other but it didn’t seem awkward at all. I didn’t see Niall like that and he didn’t see me that way either.

‘I can’t tell you, I'm sorry. You’ll find out when the time comes.’ His smile faltered.

‘Niiaall!’ I stretched out his name. He smiled at me and slapped my head lightly.

‘Sorry babe, I don’t wanna make a fatal mistake,’ He stood up, ‘now come on, dinners nearly here.’

I huffed and got up. He snaked an arm around my waist and tickled me all the way back to the living room.

‘You ok?’ Harry said as I plopped down next to him. I nodded my head and ran my fingers through his curls. He closed his eyes and smiled as I entangled my digits through his chocolate brown hair. I laughed lightly at him and slapped the side of his head.

‘Where’s Lou?’ Zayn piped up.

‘Gone to ring Eleanor.’ Liam frowned.

‘NO! I AM NOT ALL RIGHT WITH THIS! Why would you do this?!? I HATE YOU!’ I heard Louis scream from above me. There was a thud and then the sound of a small shout muffled by a pillow. I looked around to all of the boys’ shocked faces. Harry looked extremely guilty for some reason.

What’s going on?

Louis’ P.O.V.

I threw my phone on the ground and screamed into my pillow. How could she do this to me? After all of this time, she still does stupid stuff like this? I got over it the first time, but twice? Fool me once…


‘WHAT?!’ I shout at the person at the door.

‘Lou?’ her sweet voice rang through my ears, ‘Can I come in?’

I rolled off of the bed grumpily and swung open the door. She stood there, looking as beautiful as ever, with an innocent expression on her face. I stepped to the side to let her into my room.

‘Let me guess, you want to know what’s wrong?’ I asked. It came out a bit harsher than I would have hoped but I didn’t care at the moment. I was angry. I slid down the wall hugged my knees to my chest.

‘Not if you don’t want to tell me. I've only known you for a day, so if you're not comfortable telling me then I understand. I just came so you could cool down before all of the boys fired questions at you.’ She said sweetly. Wow. No one has ever said that to me before. And that’s exactly what I want to hear. Sometimes, when you feel like shit, you just want to have someone sit by you and wait for you to heal. That’s just what she did. She slid down the wall herself and sat close to me. She put her head on my shoulder and took my hand, drawing shapes on my palm with her thumb calmingly. There was something about her aura of calmness and sympathy that made me break down. I let a few silent tears roll down my face. She hugged closer to me once she noticed that I was crying.

This felt nice. This felt right. I never felt like this with Eleanor.

She shifted so my head was now on her shoulder. She patted my head and stroked my hair like a mother would do to a son. She was very good at this, you know, making people feel better.

‘When I was in an unstable relationship, my dad used to go and make me hot chocolate and we would watch funny movies.’ She whispered just loud enough so I could hear. ‘Does that sound good? Just the two of us? I'm pretty sure you don’t want Haz and Niall bouncing off the walls around you at the moment.’

I smiled weakly at her and nodded my head. That did sound good. As much as I love the boys, sometimes I just need time with a normal person.

‘Ok so, change into something comfy and get into bed, I’ll make the hot chocolate and get a DVD. Be back in a minute.’ She got up and left. I crawled over to my wardrobe and picked up an oversized white tee and sweats. I slid on my hat, hiding my hair. I ran my hair through it too many times on the phone. I peeled back the covers and got into my warm and comforting bed.

Jade then came back in with a bag of chips and The Hangover Part 2 in her hands. She handed me the chips and put the DVD into the side of the TV at the end of my bed. Then she left and returned with two hot chocolates and a bag of carrots balanced on her head. I smiled weakly at her and she grinned at me. She placed the hot chocolates on the bedside table and handed me the carrots. I took them gratefully and laughed lightly.

She curled up under the covers and played the movie. The warmth from her body was warming the bed and her hot chocolate was awesome. The chips were fresh and salty and contrasted with the carrots greatly. The movie was almost over and I was crying with laughter. It doesn’t matter how depressed you are, a gay Chinese crackhead will always make you laugh. Jade was pretty much drooling over Bradley Cooper, which made me weirdly jealous. Why was I jealous? She’s only a friend, a good friend. I mean, she is really pretty and funny and caring and nice and hot and lovely and wonderful and gorgeous… wait, what? I just basically broke up with Eleanor! I can’t possibly be thinking about another girl while half of my heart is torn from the remaining piece.

‘Hmm…’ Jade cocked an eyebrow as Bradley Cooper took off his shirt. I felt a pang in my chest. Is she doing this on purpose? I don’t think she is, but let me tell you, it’s working.

‘Seriously? You're sitting next to Louis BooBear Tomlinson and you're drooling over that? You need to raise your standards…’ I smiled at her. She flashed me a playful glare before her expression turned serious.

‘Obviously so do you.’ She frowned at me. I guess she got me there.

‘Yeah…’ I twiddled my thumbs, ‘Do you mind if I tell you want happened?’

She tilted my chin lightly with her finger. ‘I wouldn’t mind at all.’

Hi guys :) Not very long but it's my birthday so cut me some slack, ok? Comment/Vote/Fan if you want. Thanks to @1Dareamazing for being awesome and shizz :)

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