Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Louis’ P.O.V.

I felt a slight tug at my arm and the constant beep beep beep that has been making me go insane finally cease.

I knew I had to keep breathing. But I couldn't. It felt like all of the air had gone out of my balloon. It felt like I couldn't do it, until I heard her voice.

‘Louis? Louis! Lou, start breathing, please!’ her concerned voice filled my ears. It was at this point I knew I liked her. It was at this point that I knew I had to do this for her. I willed myself to breathe. I am the master of my own body, I can get through this.

I felt oxygen go into my lungs and then leave again. I felt myself become more aware of my surroundings. I felt someone touching my shin, many people surrounding me and a warm hand in my own. I fluttered my eyes open slowly, letting the light and shapes adjust before looking around.

‘LOUIS! Thank god, I was so worried!’ Harry’s voice said shakily. I looked over at him. He was hand in hand with Zayn, who was looking at him with such love I almost felt jealous.

‘Well lads, any news?’ I asked, sitting up. I looked down at my hand and realised someone was still holding it. I followed my eyes up the arm to meet the most beautiful girl in the world.

‘Not much, you?’ she smiled at me before lunging into me for a hug. I hugged her back and she broke off, surprising me at how short of an embrace she wanted. ‘We missed you, I missed you.’

The other lads nodded their heads in agreement. I smiled at my best friends. I missed them too; I'm a weird way…

‘Well I'm back now, and I'm not planning on going anywhere.’                    

Jade’s P.O.V.

*2 days later*

‘Louis! Hurry up god damn it!’ I shout down the hall. He was saying goodbye and thank you to his doctor and nurses. I haven’t left Louis’ side for more than an hour in the past 2 days, I've tended to his each and every need, and I haven’t said a word about loving him. He needs to recover, he comes first. He is all that matters.

He has talked about what Eleanor said, and I want to kill her. Like literally, want to kill her. If I'm in the same room as her and a pointy object, she’s getting stabbed. No lie.

‘I'm coming woman!’ he says in his “What you talking bout Willis?” voice. I chuckle lightly at him and he snakes an arm around my waist. I lean into him, comfortable with his touch.

‘Where to now?’ I ask. He puts on a fake quizzical face before a theoretical light bulb went off in his head.

‘TO THE BEACH!’ he puts his arm out like Superman and runs out of the hospital, me still in his grasp. I let out a shriek before running to keep up. He hops into the car that was waiting. They hadn’t told the fans so they didn’t want him to get spotted coming out of a hospital.

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